Chapter 22.

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I began screaming and wrapped my arms around Luke. I began jumping around as everyone just looked at me. "Well?" I questioned motioning to Libby. She looked completely pale with tears running down her face. "Yes" she whispered. I began jumping up and down and screaming again except with my arms around Ash and Libby this time. I ran out of the kitchen tugging them both behind me. I pushed them both on to the dark dance floor. Everyone had followed us from the kitchen and were now taking their seats at the tables around the outside of the tables.

I left them both and grabbed what seemed to be Luke's acoustic guitar. I ran up on stage and looked out to everyone. I gulped as I saw all eyes on me. Luke looked with amazement. "You'll be okay" he whispered to me as tears began to fill my eyes. I plugged in the guitar but figured I had the wrong instrument for the song. I put down the guitar and carried the microphone and its stand off stage. I quickly waddled over to the piano on the other side of the stage. I set up my stuff and sat down on the stool. "RIght guys.." I began speaking with a stuttering in my voice. "This song is for someone special, they definately know who they are..", Luke blushed and looked at the floor. "Yes Libby and Ashton, this song is for you guys" I chuckled as Luke seemed to be walking away. He brushed past Katie who I saw waving from the crowd. I began playing the notes to Elton John's 'Your Song'. Libby began slow dancing with Ashton. Many people had joined in by the end. "Thankyou" I shouted into my microphone.

I picked up the hem of my dress and quickly went to find Luke. I looked everywhere downstairs. He was nowhere to be seen. I carefully ran up the stairs making sure no-one was watching me. I made my way down the hall to Luke's room. The door was slightly open so I carefully walked through it. There was a body sprawled across the bed. Picture frames and books were launched across the room so I carefully made my way across. I sat down on the edge of the bed and softly stroked Luke's hair. He carefully looked up at me as a tear fell down his cheek. He sat up and swiveled his body to face mine. Another tear dropped from his eye but I caught this one in my palm. I pushed his hair back away from his face. He was all hot and flustered and seemed rather upset. "What's up trooper?" I questioned him as another tear fell from his eye. "You, I'm so proud.." he tried to say. His voice was all croaky because he'd been crying for so long. He gasped for air and grabbed the cup of water off his bedside table and took a gulp from it. "Sing this for my mum and dad?" he questioned me pressing the play button on his phone. 'Angels' by Robbie Williams began to play. I started to squeal with delight and join in with the chorus. "I will but why?" I responded. "It was their wedding song, apart from half way through they had to leave because my mum went into labour with my big brother, they haven't been able to listen to the song since, but if you sing it for them Hady, they'll finally get their first dance together" he added.

I nodded and grabbed him off his bed and pulling him down stairs. We were greeted by Ashton and Libby eating each others faces at the bottom of the stairs. "Nice one Ash" Luke chuckled patting him on the shoulder. I grabbed Libby's arms tugging her away from Ashton. I pulled her out into the middle of the dance floor. "Go get Liz and Luke's dad" I shouted at her pointing at the bar at the end of the pool. I grabbed Luke's laptop and placed it down on top of the amp whilst I plugged it in. I found the backing track and set everything up. I placed a microphone in front of me and tapped the top of it. "Excuse me, may I have your attention please?" I questioned the crowd. "We, I mean me and Luke have something special to announce". I overheard Perrie and Zayn in the crowd, "Please don't say your pregnant Hady?" she chuckled. "Erm no P I'm only 16" I sarcastically remarked back. "Erm no, I'd like to invite my wonderful boyfriend's parents up to the dance floor. Now a little birdy has told me you never got to finish your wedding dance because an unexpected arrival was on its way". I pointed out to Luke's eldest brother in the crowd. "Liz, Thanks for being there for me, You're like my mum, but my Australian one. This one's for you Liz, It's Angels!!".

I began singing they began dancing. About half way through the song. I slipped the microphone out of the stand and skipped over to Luke. He put his hand on my waist and I put one arm around his neck, with the other hand still clutching the microphone. I finished the song with applauds from the crowd. I softly kissed Luke's nose and ran back up on to the stage. I put the microphone back into the stand and tapped it again. "Thankyou" I chuckled down it. I clambered off the stage and went to join Luke, his parents and the rest of the gang in the middle of the dance floor. "Nice one Hayds!" Perrie squealed gesturing for a High-Five. I softly slapped her hand and hugged Luke's chest. His eyes were still puffy from before but it didn't seem to be bothering him. "Wow" Liz began. "I don't know how I can thank you..". I stopped her. My tummy began to hurt. I grabbed it without anyone noticing and carried on the conversation. "No need for thanks Liz, This party is enough" I chuckled. I eased myself through the pain. What could be killing me inside? Me and Luke hadn't done 'It' so I couldn't be pregnant? Tablets, I thought to myself? Oh no, I hadn't taken my tablets for my appendix problems, I needed them now or this could end badly!!

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