Chapter 14.

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As I climbed out the shower, I could hear Luke strumming his guitar and singing one of my favourite songs to himself. I tried not to cry but instead darted out of the shower, put a towel around me and bursted into my room, scaring poor Luke to death. "Sorry, I need something" I shouted to him running into my wardrobe and picking out the most prettiest but casual outfit I could. I felt a pair of arms hug my waist and Luke place his chin on my collar bone. I squeezed out of his grip and pointed to the door, "C'mon, I need to get ready!" I shouted at him. He pouted, stuck out his bottom lip and pretended to cry. I forced him towards the door but he still didn't budge. "FINE" I screamed. I stuck behind my Cath Kidston print folding screen and got changed very quickly so Luke wasn't willing to peek. 

As I walked out from behind the screen, I dropped my pyjamas in the washbin. "Do you need anything from your flat?" I asked Luke. "Hmm, yeah but I'll walk, its not far" he replied. "No, no, I'll drive you" I replied, "Just let me finish my make up and things and I'll take you". I smiled at him as he walked back into my room and picked his guitar back up. I ran in front of my mirror and finished my make up off and did my hair. "C'mon cowboy" I shouted through my wardrobe door to Luke. He stood up and held out his hand to me, I picked up my bag, car keys and phone and grabbed his hand. 

As we walked through the living room we stopped to a shocker. Libby, Calum, Opal and Michael on my sofa looking and laughing at old videos of me singing in high school. I gave them one big glare and ran away. I opened my door and slammed it shut. I opened my car door and sat in it with my head against the steering wheel. I heard a tapping on my windscreen. I looked up to see Luke pulling funny faces through the screen. I wiped away the tears and laughed at him. I unlocked my car and let him into the passenger seat. I put my keys into the egnition and looked at him. "Shall we go?" I asked him. He nodded and I started the car.

On the way to the boys' house, we jammed out to my brother's CD. I told Luke my brother was coming up later on today to see me. He didn't look too impressed with the idea but he agreed to meet him. We pulled up into their big driveway and I climbed out of the car and waited for Luke to go in first. "Mum, we're home" Luke shouted up the staircase. I slid off my heeled brown boots at the door and followed Luke up the staircase. We got to the top of the stairs and Liz ran up to me and hugged me. "Hello dear, a little dolled up for this old place aren't we sweetie?" she laughed. "Actually..I've got a photoshoot with my best friend after this for my birthday today straight after this, we just came to pick up a few of Luke's things" I replied back. She grabbed me once again. "OMG Happy Birthday Sweetie, 16 I'm guessing yeah?" I nodded. "You and my Luke are dating I know, he texted me as soon as it happened bless his little soul, take good care of him" she replied back. "Oh I will i chuckled and with that I was dragged back down the stairs and into my car. Luke chucked his suitcase into the boot of my car and with that we left the house and drove back to my flat.

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