Chapter 24.

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I awoke from the previous night on my bathroom floor looking like Alice Cooper. I looked at myself in the mirror and began to cry. My hair was stuck out at all jagged angles and there were mascara marks dribbling from my eyes down my cheeks. I jumped in my shower washing away all of the pain from the previous night. I walked back into my bedroom reaching under my pillow for my wardrobe key. I walked into my wardrobe reaching for my slouchy clothes and I quickly threw them on. I dragged a brush through my freshly washed hair and tied it up into a ponytail. I trailed out of my room and into the living room. I scanned around the room to see the many things out of place from my rant of the year. Everything seemed to be out of place apart from the tall, lanky blonde boy who was spaced out on my sofa. I bowed my head as he stirred in his sleep. I loved that about him, he could never sleep still! I walked into my kitchen to see a shirtless Ashton. I looked at him as he took sips of his tea from my favourite mug. "Good Morning Doll" he whispered at me. I grinned and swooped past him. He wasn't really the person I wanted to see but I had to be happy for Libby's sake. I heard voices coming from the living room and I began to burn up.

"Hady?" that voice any girl's heart would melt at, questioned by name from the kitchen door. I starred out of the kitchen window ignoring his presence. "Just let me explain" he whispered again. I could feel the pain in his voice. I looked at him as I passed him to sit in the living room with Ashton. I placed myself down carefully next to a cushion and hid my face in it. Here, I could let the tears stream down my face without anybody seeing my state. I jumped as I felt a pair of hands resting on my knees, I looked up to see a teary eyed Luke looking up at me. I lifted my head from the cushion and looked back at him. I placed my right hand on his right cheek and drew circles into the back of his left hand with my left hand. A tear ran from his cheek but I quickly caught it with my thumb. "I forgive you babe" I whispered. He quickly jumped up and hugged me pinning his body down on mine. I scrambled from underneath him and ran to my room. I plugged in my phone to my docking station and started blasting music around my room. I sang along for a while until a tired looking Libby staggered into my room. "Do you mind Me and Ash are trying to sleep next door doll" she shouted over my music. I quickly turned it down and ran up to her and hugged her. "I'm sorry" I whispered. Tears formed in my eyes.

She looked at me in disgust. She grabbed my arms and rolled up my sleeves of my shirt. I peered away as she gasped for air. "HOW FUCKING COULD YOU HAYDS?" she shouted at me. I released her grip and ran away into the living room. Of course she followed me though! "You promised you'd stopped!" she screamed at me as I tried to ignore her. "Well, after last night, after the boy who stole my heart fucking ripped it out of me, how did you think I was going to cope! Did you really think getting rid of all of his things would actually make me feel better? I couldn't help myself Lib! I couldn't control it! I wasn't going to let him get over me but look you had to go and make things worse! Why do I even class you as a sister if you react like this! I screamed back at her. By this time both Luke and Ash had ventured from the bathroom and the spare bedroom to find out what all the shouting was about.

I finished my big speech and ran straight into Luke's arms. I cradled me close as I Libby tried ripping us apart. "How dare you say that, after all we've been through Hay, through thick and thin. I've always been there for you! You've always been there for me and now you treat me like this. I'll tell you what you probably should have died last night! None of us would have even cared you know! Not even Luke! She snapped back. I looked up at Luke with tears in my eyes. I turned around to snap at Libby but she wasn't there. Neither was Ash. I turned back around to find Luke staring at me holding 'my box'. He shook his head and I tried to get out my words but nothing came out. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed my car keys. I ran out of my flat and down the stairs to my car. I put my keys in the ignition and pulled out of the parking space.

I took the long route to my destination so I could take the time to think about things. I pulled up outside the familiar house where my dreams had been crushed. I walked up the steps to the house and knocked on the door. A familiar face opened the door and questioned my appearance straight away. "Hady?" Liz questioned. "Um..Hi Mrs Hemmings, I have a few things to pick up from Luke's room if that's okay?" I struggled to speak under my baffled breath. She nodded and let me in. I was on my way to Luke's room when I quickly took a diversion to the music room. I could hear a voice singing mine and Libby's favourite song. It related to what we had been through together. They began to sing the chorus and I couldn't hold it back any longer! 

'Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I know how to save a life'

I burst in through the door of the room to see Luke sat playing his guitar with tears streaming down his cheeks. I ran over and hugged him breathing in his scent as I squeezed him. I let him go and he put down his guitar. He stood up taking his hands in mine. I quickly got sucked in by his big blue orbs. I lent in as he did and our lips placed themselves together. Tingles were sent buzzing through my body as if his kiss was meant to be. We broke apart as a cough came from the door. I darted around to see Ashton clutching Libby's favourite teddy in his arms. "Have you seen her?" he shouted. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Luke. "Sorry mate, I haven't" he darted back and looked down at me and gripped me close. "This is all your fault you know Hady!" he shouted at me. "If you hadn't started your obsession again she wouldn't have hit the road and ran!". I looked back at Luke and he hugged me even closer. "Don't blame it on her Ash, its not her fault I was being a dick" he shouted back. "Fine then, if these two have fallen out, what's the point in us two being mates its just going to be awkward when we want to meet up!" Ashton shouted at Luke. He stormed off and left us to look at each other. I shook my head at Luke. "I probably should go, I've messed everything up" I whispered. He pulled me back by my hands. "No babe, this is my mess too! We'll get through this together!" he whispered. We walked out of the music room, following Ash's sobs out of Luke's house and chasing him down the street.

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