Chapter 11.

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I had been preparing the house for about 2 hours now, Luke had been extra helpful and picked me out an outfit but the rest were all either sleeping or being rather annoying, I quickly got showered and into the outfit Luke had chosen for me. I thought it was a little over dressed but you know Luke chose it I wasn't going to turn it down.

About half an hour later I heard a knock at my front door, I knew who it was because I'd landed her a text 15 minutes before with my address on it. "I'll get it" I shouted to everyone across the living room. As I walked past Luke he slipped his hand in mine and we walked to the door together.

"LIBBY" I shouted as I opened my front door. "HADY" she screamed back at me. I let go of Luke's hand and hugged her in close. "You don't understand how much I've missed you Mrs Horan" I chuckled and looked at Luke who was trying to keep himself to himself. "Hey Luke" Libby said trying to act as cool as possible. "Pretty accent to go with your pretty face" he replied back. Libby blushed and I hit Luke's arm hard "Ow, what was that for?" Luke questioned in between fake cries. I chuckled and pointed out Libby's bags to Luke as I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my living room.

"Guys this is Libby" I introduced her to the boys. Each one stood up in turn as they did when I met them. Luke hurdled into the living room and landed on the floor with a thud. "Eh be careful" Libby shouted at him. "You'll break Hady's birthday present if you're not careful". Ashton walked over to him and held out his hand to help him up. "Are these going in your room Hayds?" He questioned. "No, the spare room, you and Charlotte can give that room to Libby tonight, she'll need a good sleep after travelling" I pointed out. They both nodded and pulled Libby's suitcases to the cream door across the hall from my room.

*Ashton's POV*

"Luke, what's up mate, and don't hide it I know there's something wrong?" I questioned Luke. He hadn't really spoken since he came off the phone with Harry before. "Fine then" he snapped back. "It's Hady, one minute she acts all lovey dovey with me, the next she's texting some boy saying they need to come to London she's missing him loads, Ash I thought she was the one, obviously this guy means a lot more I her than I have ever done, I can't take it anymore". And with that he stormed out, out of the bedroom door. I ran after him "Luke I'm sorry! Luke come back" I shouted after him through the living room. Of course, it was too late, he'd gone yet I was getting dirty looks from everyone in the living room. "Oh Hady don't look like you don't know, this all your fault." I shouted at her as she began to cry into Libby's shoulder and with that I ran straight after Luke.

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