Chapter 16.

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Luke walked over to Harry. "Oi, bro, you alright?" he shouted over to him in his ganster voice. I looked over at Libby and smiled. Harry stood up to give Luke a "bro-hug" but Ash quickly ran over to them and rugby tackled them to the floor. Libby ran over and jumped on them. There was an empty stool next to Louis. I held out my hand to him. "Hey, I'm Hady" I blurted as I shot my hand at him. He moved it away. "Yeah, we know who you are, Luke's girl right, yeah, your modelling shoot is next door, we have some "boy things" to sort out if you don't mind" he chuckled as he pointed to the door. "C'mon Lib, we're not wanted here" I laughed as I pulled her off Harry, Luke and Ash. "Awe, but don't I get a goodbye?" Luke questioned giving his best puppy eyes and pouting his bottom lip. "Fine!" I walked over to where he was stood. I hugged his tummy and looked up and placed a light kiss on his nose. "See you soon cowboy" I chuckled as I let go of his grip and skipped towards Libby.

We left the recording studio and went through the double doors opposite us. I walked in to see my manager Lia. "Girls, where have you been, you're late" She snapped. "Sorry Li, erm we kinda got caught up, you see One Direction are next door and we had to drop off the boys" I explained. I saw the girls from the closet bouncing up and down when I mentioned One Direction. Lia showed us the dressing room and told me and Libby to get western style outfits picked out.

I grabbed a checked dress and little ankle boots. The hairdressers put my hair in pigtails and tied them with little gingham ribbon hair bows. I looked a lot younger compared to Libby. She was wearing a gingham belly top, light wash dungaree shorts, western heeled knee high boots and she also had her hair the same as mine.

Lia took a few shots of us looking goofy, then a few shots sitting on hay bails. I saw the door of the studio open and Luke's face appeared at the door. "Hey chick, I think your brother is in the Lobby, he wants to talk to you, urgently" Luke shouted to me. I grabbed my things and grabbed my phone out of my bag, 4 missed calls and 6 new messages. I flicked through them and read some of them in my head. "Hey, sis, we need to talk, don't be mad, just come to lobby they won't let me up". Oh no, Scott, what trouble has he gotten into now. 

I ran down the stairs clutching my phone. I ran out to see my brother stood with his guitar in his hand. "Where's Meg?" I questioned him. Meg was his girlfriend of 5years. They were so cute together. He put his head in his hands. I looked at Luke and told him I'd be okay he could go back upstairs and tell Lib where I was. I went outside and ran for a bit. I jumped into my car, turned on the engine and spun a 360 turn. I could see Luke from the top floor shouting something from the window. I put my foot on the acellerator and I suddenly jolted forward.

Next thing I knew saw was myself from the top. Like my soul had come out of myself. Luke was shouting at Libby. "Ring an ambulance" he shouted to my brother. "Stay with me, don't go chicken, we'll get through this baby" he whispered into my ear as he sweeped the hair away from my face and wiped tears from his eyes". Suddenly I flew back into myself. I started choking. Splutering out blood all over Luke. I clutched my tummy as I was sick all over myself. I stared back at the blonde boy who seemed to be staring at me. Words were being shouted at me. Words like my name and my age and who I was. I could hear Luke shouting at my brother and Libby. I couldn't do anything because they didn't know I could hear them. The only thing I remember is the paramedic telling Luke I might not pull through and that I could die soon if I wasnt treated quickly!

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