Along the Way

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Have you ever felt more lost the more you grow up?

I am 24 which is still young I hear... but somehow I feel like my life is already half way over. I feel like things have past me by and... I missed so many things along the way. As time seems to ramp up, I seem to lose myself further. The things I strive for. The things I yearn for. They all seem like things I have lost along the way.

Can I still get back on the right path?

What is the right path? I ask myself this over and over yet I never hear the answer. It is like a whisper just out of reach. Why did I lose myself? What am I missing? Why do I feel like my life is already half way over? Am I the only one who feels like somewhere along the way, I got so lost off the path that I fear I can never return?

Even now as I look toward the gloomy sky, I can't help but feel these thoughts that plague my mind like fog across a meadow in the morning sunlight. I am but a rock in a hard place, stuck in a sea of washing waves. These waves harsh and unyielding take pieces of me only to leave something yet not defined. Something so broken and lost. Something who can only look to the gloomy sky wishing for something anything to tell them what they have lost along the way.

I hope... I dream... yet along the way... I can only lay down in those harsh unyielding waves. Waiting for them to drag me under. Just enough, to take the breath out of me.

Tell me.

Where did I lose myself along the way? Was it in my teens? Was it in college? No, I fear it was before then... I fear.. I have always been... lost.

These waves so harsh and unyielding take pieces of my broken shell. They leave nothing in its wake. I can't help but look on in all my brokenness and melancholy....

I am only but 24 but somehow I feel like my life is already half way over and somewhere along the way I can only wait...

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