The Worst Guys|15

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{MM Toya w/ black hair and Shan w/ blonde}


I watched as this girl I once knew to be calm, collect and peace at mind is now throwing shit around her room.

"I hate him!! Fucking Fuck Boy!!"She screams constantly throwing stuff tearing pictures of us and some random pictures if Jxmmi and her a while ago.

All I could do was watch, cause I knew how she could get and I don't too much fool with a person with a mouthpiece.

Jxmmi's a real bitch for breaking her heart. I hate guys who don't give two fucks if a girl would give her life for him. But we can't all live a dream we truly wanted for a while.

I have zero respect for his ass now, but to think all this drama in 2-3 days this is some bullshit.

Men, fuel to a woman's fire, person who either helps you through or makes shit worse.

Once I really looked at her she reminded me of myself all broke down and willing to express my feelings physically. She helped me with my heartbreaks, held me close when I needed to be held. And made the tears evaporate and build a shelter around my heart.

To be real, I might be dating Khalif but that doesn't mean I'm loving him completely. I don't know what this guy is about, so I won't give in so easily.

"T,...T its okay." I said grabbing ahold of her and holding her close. " Everything is going to get better."

She takes her head off of my chest and looks me in the eye.

"What the fuck, makes you think this is going to be okay?" She grits as more tears fall from her face.

"Don't be like that T you know it will it only gets better remember?" I try to say without saying what my cynic side wanted to sah which was:Stop being a bitch and suck it up, for fucksake!

"that's your motto!!!" She yells at me pushing away to be released from my embrass "Your able to forget about the last boy, cause for you the next nigga is always better!...You always get what you want huh?" She grins in the creepiest smile. One of those ugly ass 'im-smiling-but-mad-as-fuck' looks.

"What are you talking about?" I'm completely confused.

"You get all the niggas you want elementary! Middle School! Highschool! Hell, even now! You had out crushes and our boyfriends full attention!" She screams pointing at me.
"Your nothing but a hoe and a bitch!!!"

Ooh don't tell her!
My angelic side tells me.

'Nahh tell that hoe with her smart mouth ass! What she don't know won't hurt....Hurt her ass and put her flat on her ass!!!' My cynical side disagrees.

"Toy, let's think before we-"

" Before we what?! Regret it!... I don't regret shit I've least I'm not keeping lies from you....."She says with an evil grin making me even more confused.

"If only you knew where Shan goes at night....So called "working". She quotes and clearly she's been drinking before I reached here and the fact that shes drinking the Vodka , my brother, Vince gave me for my birthday, that we werw going to open up his next visit.

"My body's tired Vixen" She says trying to copy Shan's voice." I wonded why?"

"Toya, shut your drunk ass up! You dont know what you talking about!" I retort. "You'd rather turn against the ones that love you instead of the ones that betray you!!!" I said running up to her face ready to clock her ass. I'm not Melony ass I fight her. Drunk or Not? I'll still beat her ass!!!

"Who?...Tell me Ms. I'm Still Fucking A Superstar! Who your going to sleep with next? Diggy Simmons?... Stephen Curry?...Drake And Chris Brown  at once? Hoe!!" She screams in my face.

Should I tell her that her Toya slept with Jxmmi? Yeah Swae told! He couldn't hide that from me, thats for me to know. I think?
Maybe I should, lay her falt on her ass. All these years Tonya's been betraying this girl slept with all her boyfriends and scared they asses straight. She'll flip the script for that how, being she didnt have any sisters. And she spent most of her childhood with the bitch.

What she know wont hurt her right...,but I really want to hurt her ass!

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