Twenty Five

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I heard it plain and clearly, and I knew that sound all too well. A gunshot. I cried even more than I did before and Matt couldn't hold me back any longer. I bolted down the boardwalk and saw two cops restraining my father to the ground, a gun scattered across the boards as they did so. And then I saw Kian. 

My boyfriend, my everything, clutching his stomach as people peered around him and the sound of shrill sirens came from an ambulance off in the distance. He was on his knees and then collapsed, breathing heavily. I ran over immediately and held his head upward and placed it in my lap as I sat next to him. 


He smiled weakly. "He's going to jail now. You're gonna be safe, I promise." 

His voice was small and weak. 

I shook my head and tears hit his shirt. 

He held my hand and started crying too. He bit his lip. "I just want the best for you. It's all I ever wanted." 

I frowned. 

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me, I can't lose you too." 

His eyes flickered and I panicked. "NO. NO Kian you are not going to die on me." 

He closed his eyes and his head rolled back in my lap. I cried and cried endlessly, cupping his cheeks in my hands and trying to get him to wake back up. 


Just then, the EMTs came and pulled him away from me, I helplessly crawled up into a ball on the pavement bawling and Jc and Matt came over and helped me up. 

Jc placed his hand on my shoulder. "He's going to be okay," 

I couldn't help but think the opposite was going to be true. And I hated thinking that. 

Daddy Didn't Love Me // LawlorffWhere stories live. Discover now