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We sat in the sand for what seemed like ages, he covered my legs in wet sand and sculpted a mermaid tail around them.

"Really?" I laughed.

"Pretty pretty mermaid," he smiled, playing with more sand.

He drew a heart and wrote my name in it. I smiled and leaned over, nearly breaking the mermaid tail he'd so especially given me. I wrote his name and an ampersand in-between the two.

He smiled at me and then kissed me again.

I stared off into the sun and watched the waves hit the sand.


I turned to him. "What?"

"I just fucking kissed you."


He laughed. "No, no.. I just... I know you're under a lot of stress and it may be just a spur of the moment but I sort of want to make, the kissing, that a regular thing."

"Are you asking me out, Kian Lawley?"

"As a matter of fact, I am."

I smiled and so did he. "My answer's yes, of course. I'll go out with you."

"Yay!" he jumped up like a child.

"Don't get too excited, loverboy. My dad will surely ruin this for the both of us. Especially for me."

He crossed his arms and fake pouted. "Stop being such a downer. I won't let him hurt you!"

He sat down next to me and moved up onto my lap, kissing me again but breaking the mermaid tail.

"The-" I tried to say.

"Priorities, babe." he returned in a gasp before returning to kiss me exhaustingly.

I could get used to this.

Daddy Didn't Love Me // LawlorffWhere stories live. Discover now