No worries.

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Drew's POV

In that moment I knew that things would change. As we stood there, our lips carefully touching, I knew that there would be trouble from now on, but in that moment I didn't care. I held her, I kissed her, she was in my arms, kissing me back. The thought of breaking the kiss was disturbing. After what felt like hours, we both slowed down and then stopped kissing completely. As we both stood there, foreheads leaning against each others, breathing heavily. I noticed she looked at me almost, almost pleased. I smiled and closed my eyes to take it all in. 
- I, I'm sorry..
The sound of her voice made me open my eyes. Her eyes met mine as I studied her features. Reality hit me when she let go of my neck, when I no longer could feel her thumbs caressing my jawline. She looked at me one last time before stepping back and leaving the room.

Mary's POV

It was a mistake. A big one. But it felt nice. The feeling of his lips crashing onto mine carefully, made my stomach twirl, in a good way. I took my phone and exited the room, feeling the need to get out of there to avoid possible awkwardness and besides that, I had to go to meet Sam. As on que right when I reached downstairs, my phone went off. Before getting a chance to look who was calling, I heard Dan say my name. I looked up and saw his face peeking out from the kitchen. 
- Are you going somewhere?
I looked at him and then down on my phone. 
- Uhm..
I read Sam's name before looking up at him once again before waving my hand in the air. 
- I'll take that as a yes, don't be gone for too long!
I closed the door the second after he had finished the sentance. I sighed loudly and pressed ''Answer''
- You know you're late, ri..
- I know I'll be there in my minutes! I said quickly and hung up. I picked up my pace before I realized I was running towards the beach. A few minutes later I reached the beginning of the beach, noticing Sam was sitting down next to a palm tree, looking at the ocean. I breathed heavily and made my way towards him, nodding and smiling to an elderly couple passing me. 
- Wow you actually made it within 5 minutes. I'm impressed.
He got up when he had noticed I was aproaching him. A smile crept up on my face and I slightly blushed. He chuckled and held his hand out for me to take. I looked at him without hesitating grabbing it gently in mine. 

- Don't you just love sitting here?
- Sam, it's me you're talking to.
He looked at me and chuckled. His deep brown eyes kept watching me as I turned my head towards the ocean. We were sitting on a bench admiring the view, looking at people walking by, kids playing beach volley and just families having a good time. Two people, a girl and a boy, caught my attention. They were walking by the shore, holding hands. They were laughing, playfully hitting each other as they continued laughing. I watched them pass us, not tearing my sight from the couple. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't even realize Sam was staring at me. 
- I know. Because you're my best friend. 
I looked at him, unsure what to answer. 
- What?
- I know you love sitting here, I know who I'm talking to. I know that because you're my best friend. 
I continued looking at him. His eyes that always seemed to mesmerize me, that always seem to make me drift away. No matter how much I didn't want to realize it, I still couldn't hide the fact that it was alll true. I sighed, again not knowing what to say. I wanted to speak up and tell him how I really feel, what I'm afraid of, I guess. I turned my head to face him. He was staring at the ocean, day dreaming, not realizing I was looking at him. 
Don't say it, wait for him to bring it up.
- What are we doing..
Despite my whisper, he still heard me. Slowly facing me, his lips curved and a smile was made. He looked down and gave out a small chuckle. 
- I don't know, Mary.
I smiled at him while taking his hand in mine and squeezing it harder when he smiled back. The secure feeling of having him made me realize; no matter what happens I wasn't going to loose him. I did once and it hurt the both of us. The secure feeling of knowing I would have him by my side even though we split up as a couple was there, and in this moment that was all that I needed. I started to think about how Kian was right yesterday; what was I really afraid of? Well that's easy, loosing Sam of course. That wasn't going to happen. Too bad I realized that now but hey, better late than never, right? 

After a few hours we decided it was time to go home. He insisted in dropping me off, so I went with it. One thing that got me excited was the fact that there was sunday tomrrow, which means no school. In these moments you just feel like everything in your life is perfect, even if it's far away from that. This is the feeling you want to wake up with in the mornings and go to bed with in the evenings. The feeling of a perfect life. I started thinking about the last time I had actually felt happy, been happy, just genuinely happy not having the worrying feeling creeping inside of you. 
Growing up I realized that I never felt alone. The lonely feeling was never there. The loss of my parents changed a few things, which might seem obvious. If it wasn't for Karen and Dan my life would not exist. All kinds of suicidal thoughts went through my mind when realization hit me that my parents were no longer with me. I was lonely, I had no one, nothing was the same and probably won't ever be. The accident made me who I am today; everything I did, I did it for them. 
- You do know that you didn't need to follow me all the way, right?
He let out a chuckle and shrugged.
- What can I say? Now I know you got home safe.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He responded quickly and we ended up standing there for a good few minutes. I move my head so that my nose was between his shoulder and neck. I inhaled his sweet scent and exhaled slowly. 
- Don't leave me again, Sam.
For a minute I wasn't sure if he had heard me. He was quiet at first, then let out a small and an uncertain chuckle. He let go of me and instead cupped my face gently with both his hands. 
- Why would you think that?
- I don't, I don't know I'm just not, I'm not so sure anymo..
- Not so sure about what?
The serious tone in his voice started to show and I was, as always, unsure what to respond at this moment. 
- I just, now that we're not together I was afraid you wouldn't have a reason to stay with me.
He looked at me like I was joking. 
- Mary, that is the stupidest thing that's ever left your mouth. 
I partened my lips to say something or at least make some sort of sound however, nothing came out and it didn't surprise me. He firmly took my hands in his, looked me straight the eyes and made sure I did the same.
- I love you, Mary. More than you could ever imagine and there is no way I will ever leave you again. I've learned from the past, okay? I don't ever want you to worry about me leaving you 'cause that's not possible, you hear me? I love you, so much. You're my best friend so please, don't even think about thinking about it.
His words were serious but calm, harsh so I would understand that he was telling the truth but at the same time soft as he spoke every single word. Speechless I was standing, all I could do was nodding and embrace him again. I hugged him tigther when he responded with his arms around my body, making me feel safe. 
- Thank you.., I whispered. I could feel his head nodd against my neck. I smiled and realized after all these mixed up, worried feelings that I had kept inside, I realized that everything was going to be okay. 
- You should probably get inside now.
I chuckled as I realized we've been standing here outside for some minutes. I pulled away from the hugged and slowly started to walk backwards. 
- So I'll see you tomorrow?
- Kian and I made plans.
- Oh so leaving the ladies behind?
- That's why I'm so glad you two have each other.
- Me too. So I'll see you in school then?
He nodded and waved a final goodbye before turning around. 
- Sam?
He turned around as I called his name. 
- I love you..
He smiled and not to my surprise winked after he once again turned around and walked away. I stood on the porch until he disappeared. Before I headed inside I noticed the empty driveway. There were no cars parked there. So Drew and Paige was no longer in the house. If I knew Karen well she would be slightly upset that I had just disappeared like that without thinking about coming back to say goodbye. Boy I was in for a real treat when stepping inside that door. I sighed and decided to just do it. I could have a chance escaping trouble if I mentioned I was with Sam and that I had been sorting some things out between the two of us. You could always have the hopes, right? 
Closing the door behind me I noticed how quiet it was. I tried to hear if there was any noises and in that case which room, but nothing. 
- Hello?
Seconds after my voice faded in the echoes I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Okay, so somebody was home. My heart skipped a beat when the person hit the final step of the stairs.
- What are you doing here?
- I'm happy to see you too.
I scoffed and threw my shoes off. Walking into the kitchen I ignored his gaze following me. 
- Where is everyone?
- They decided to go to the movies.
- And you had to stay?
- Someone had to make sure you were okay.
- I'm not a baby, I don't need anyone to take care of me, especially not you.
He lowered his head as he leaned against the doorway. I sighed, feeling bad for arguing back when all he did was just simply caring. 
- So what now? It's just you and me?
He looked up and a smile was made. He refused to tear his eyes away from mine. The light brown color and dept in his eyes made me forget about everything around me and what I was thinking. Reality hit me when he spoke so softly, like every sound that escaped his mouth were fragile.
- Yeah.. Just you and me.

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