Anniversary pt.1

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A/N - I know this chapter is a lot shorter than most others, but that's because it's the first part of one chapter (you probably figured out by the title lol). I know I haven't uploaded in a while, but I've been super busy with school & life. Even though I'm on Wattpad everyday reading, I still don't have the time to write. I apologize deeply and I wanna THANK YOU ALL for still reading (if you are) because it really means a lot to me. I promise I will try my best and write a little almost everyday. I love you all, and hope you'll enjoy! XO

Two days left. Never in my wildest imagination could I see this day coming. In just two days. Karen and Dan have been very quiet about it, which is not a surprise. Because what do you do or say when these things happen? The first anniversary of my parents passing.

It's been 4 weeks since my last encounter with Drew happened. Not that I count. I don't. I just never thought we would go 4 weeks without talking, nor even glancing at each other. Oh the teens these days. From my own perspective, I can tell myself, honestly, that I highly doubt Drew wants anything to do with me. Isn't that why he transferred to another history AND english class? Probably. 

- I want to go to Boston.

There was no sign of uncertainty in my voice when I told Karen the ''news''. She was casually sitting in the living room, this friday evening, catching up on some old decor magazines.

- Mary, I..

- I want to go to Boston.

I repeated myself taking a seat next to her without breaking eye contact. She sighed and put the magazine down.

- Have you thought this through?

- More than anything.

It was true. I wanted to do this, I just felt like I had to. I wanted to see them no matter the circumstanses. Karen nodded slowly. I thought it was going to be harder to convince her, but I guess not.

Remember this for the future, Mary.

 - Okay then. I'll talk to Dan later tonight, and we'll see what there i..

Before she had the chance to finish, I attacked her with a big hug. She seemed surprised, but she just laughed it off and hugged me back.

- Thank you.

I nuzzled into her hair relaxed. I had been a little afraid of asking ever since this morning. Finally it felt like heavy lifting were taken away from my shoulders. We heard Dan calling for us, saying dinner was ready. I could smell the wonderful aroma of chicken in my nostrills as we made our way to the dinner table, in silence.


The next morning I woke up by a quiet knocking. I'm surprised I even heard it. Groaning something incomprehensible, the door squeaked open and a whisper asked me if I was awake.

- Thanks to you I am. What time is it?

- Oh well, I just wanted to say that there's a flight leaving this afternoon, so if you're still sure about going to Boston, then we're going. And it's 6am.

My eyelids were heavier than I expected, but I got them to open up anyways. I blinked a few times to clear my vision, before I turned my head towards the door.

- Really?

Karen nodded and gave me a weak smile.

- I just want you to be 110% sure about thi..

- I'm more than sure about this, Karen. Trust me. 

I tried my best to sound convincing, and I seemed to succeed with it. She put her hands up in a surrending manner, before she quietly closed the door. I let out a long exhale and let my head fall onto the pillow. 

It was like my exhaustion vanished, all of a sudden. Even though it was passed 6am, I wasn't tired. Not anymore. I don't even know if I was excited or not. Should I tell anyone? The anniversary is tomorrow and I'll probably go home tomorrow night or early Monday morning. 

I turned my head towards my nightstand where my phone was. I extended my arm and yanked it to the table. I grabbed and opened it to reveal 0 messages and 0 missed calls. 

If that's not popularity, then I don't know what.

I went to my text messages and sent the same kind of text to Sam, Kian and Annie, telling them that I'd be gone 'till Monday. I pressed send, slightly regretting sending the text now since it's early in the morning.

Oh well.

I saw Drew's name a few messages down. We haven't talked to each other since Annie's birthday party, and haven't sent eachother texts since a bit more than 6 weeks back. I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't miss him, and that it didn't hurt when he wouldn't even look at me when passing each other in the hallways at school. The sprinkle on the ice cream was when I found out he transferred to other classes. That felt great, note the sarcasm. I thought about sending him the same message, but then again; would he care? Of course not. He has better things to do, better people to waste time on.


The packing went pretty well, a lot quicker than I had expected. But then again, it's only for one day. But then again, again, I'm a girl; we have needs, and clothes.

The plane ride was not that long, or so it felt like since I basically slept the entire way there. Can't blame me for having a pillow and ridiculously good music taste. Since we would only stay for one day, we didn't have any heavy lugage. It felt extremely nice not having to wait for what felt like hours to get our luggage. 

Stepping out in the chilly Boston weather, Dan tried to get us a cab. I put my jacket on and buttoned it all the way up to my neck. I had forgot what the weather felt like, even though I've lived here all my life and in California for only a few months. Comparing Boston's weather to California was almost funny. While Boston had more chilly days in the fall, California wasn't that bad, not if you compare it with Boston. 

I snapped back to reality when Karen grabbed my hand. We made our way towards the white taxi cab that was parked by the sidewalk. After I seated myself in the right seat, I realized we were here and why we were. It hit me, and I had mixed feelings about tomorrow. But deep down inside, I knew I wasn't alone in this, and in a little bit more than 24 hours, I will know that for sure.

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