Surprise pt 2

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We're here.

The moment you arrive you have no idea what's going on. A few hours ago i had absolutely no idea where Sam was taking me, now it's crystal clear. 

When he arrived to my house he asked me to go out to his car that was parked outside, so i did. I greeted his mom and yes, i asked her too, where we were going but no, she didn't tell me, which wasn't that surprising though. Sam then came out from the house carrying my suitcase. Okay now i really needed to know what was going on and where we were heading.  He said he'll tell me in the car, and no, by that he didn't mean ''get in the car and i'll tell you'' no, more like ''get in the car and i'll tell you at the pricise time as we arrive.'' Really Sam? Really. 

I guess i had my thoughts on where we were going since there are suitcases in the back. So we were obviously traveling somewhere, duh Mary. I have to say, i had my crazy, non realistic options on where we were heading as soon as i saw the big LAX sign however, let's not get into that. 

- Mary.. Do you remember that small lake we discovered a few years ago? 

He asked me that when we had stepped inside the airport. The small lake. That small lake that we, like he said, discovered a couple of years ago, in the middle of a forest, in Boston. It was our place to be, by ourselves, where no one could find us. Yes, sounds like a fairytale, we were young, can't blame us right? I remember that lake though. We found it one summer, ever since we found it, one week before school started, we would go there everyday. We never told our parents, like i said, it was our place. One day we brought food, the other day a video camera, some days Sam brought his guitar and i still remember all the videos we made, my favorites, when Sam tried his hardest to actually play the guitar. The fact that he refused to let me play because i, on the other hand could, that would just made my day. I'd record him playing, awfully bad however, he made it. Even though it took a while, he played an entire song. The face success when he put the guitar down, proud of himself that he made it, another thing that made my day. 

All the memories we had from that lake rushed through my mind, and now it was pretty obvious where he was taking me. Boston. 

- I can't believe we're here.., i said while stepping outside the airport. 

- Mary, you were here just a month ago. It's not like nothing changed, he said standing next to me. 

- I know, I just never thought i'd return..

He smiled, wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me on the temple. 

- Come on babe, i have another surprise for you, he whispered and started leading me towards a cab.  

- Wait.. Where are we staying? I asked as he opened the door.

- No worries, mom already called Lucy, she'll let us stay there, he said.

''I have another surprise for you.'' What does he mean with ''another'', wasn't this enough? Being in Boston wtih him 3 years later that was more than enought to me. I have to say though, you never know with Sam. Same thing when you spend time with him; you never know what will happen. It's not a bad thing, not at all, i'm just saying that it's a surprise every time, and who doesn't like surprises? 

Lucy was his aunt, she lived about 12 minutes away from where we used to live, both of us. Lucy is one of the few people in my life that are the strongest, i admire her so much. She loves children. Every birthday Sam had, even my birthdays, she would always spoil us. Christmas, Thanksgiving and every other day you celebrated something she would always play a huge part, baking, the decor, cooking and god knows what! Her husband, Mike, was honestly the most chill person i've ever met. He's so different compare to Lucy and if you think about it, they're not like each other, not at all. The great thing about them though, is their love. They can't get enough of each other, and not in that sexual way, let's not get into that. They respect each other more than anything, and because they know how different they are from one another, things work out. 

Now, i told you that she (and him of course) was one of the strongest people in my life; at young age she got raped, lost both of her parents (which she could relate to when it happened to me), her brother passed away a few years ago and she got a miscarriage. And the remarkable thing about her is that every time you see her, she has that glimt in her eyes, that special glimt and a smile on her face. I admire her a lot, and i know i'm not the only one. 

- 3 years later and everything looks exactly the same..

I stepped out of the car and walked up to Sam who stood by the mailbox, just looking. To me, basically everything had changed.

-  Didn't she have a different mailbox? I asked pointing at it. 

- Really? 

- Strange feeling tells me it was a yellow one, not a white.

He tilted his head, just staring at it, 

- Oh, that yellow, school bus yellow, he laughed and looked at me. 

I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. 

- Perfect week to finish off the summer, together. 

- Together, he whispered and hugged me tighter. 

We took our bags and started walking towards the door. The garden was as green and pretty as alwyas. That's one thing Lucy and Mike have in common; gardening. Every summer, as far as i know, they would always be together in the garden, doing different kinds of work. But no matter how long it took for them to get it done, it would pay off, for sure. You can do nothing but smile while walking through that garden. 

- You're here, you're finally here! 

Half way through the garden and towards the door, it opened and you could see a middle age woman open the door with that smile on her face. 

- Aunt Lucy! Sam said and started running towards her. I kept walking, smiling while i did. They've always been close, always. Like a second mother, literally. You could say that they have the same kind of bond that Karen and I have, and that is something special, let me tell you. 

Taking the first step of the stairs, as well as being greeted with a big warm hug, not complaining whatsoever.

- Oh my.., she whispers as she hugs me. 

I start to tear up, not knowing what to say.

- It's great to see you again, Lucy, i say as we're standing there. Sam had already walked inside greeting Mike in the hallway. 

- Mary.. My favorite Mary, oh my i'm so happy to see you both! She said and lightly stroke my cheek. She asked me how everything was, and if i had settled down in LA yet, and to be honest i didn't really know what to answer. I hadn't really been thinking about that. All i think about nowadays is school and how awfully nervous i am. Since i didn't know anyone except Sam and Kian, scared me a bit. 

- Mary!

Mike's turn to come up and give me a big, welcoming hug. He hadn't changed a bit. I can't say that i remember his looks exactly but right now, i couldn't find any changes. Same old happy Mike, chill as always, yet knowing of what's going on.

- You two must be tired, Lucy said and helped us unpack. I looked over at Sam who was already looking at me. We both shook our heads.

- Not really, I said.

- And besides, we thought about going out for a few hours, if you don't mind? He asked.

- No, of course not. Just be careful, she replied with a smile.

We were? Where were we going? You see this is what i mean, you never know with Sam. I could never understand him that way. He told me where we were heading, surprisingly.

- I won't surprise you anymore, enough for today, he said and kissed me lightly on my lips. He went downstairs, leaving me there trying to figure out what he meant and where we were going.

- Okay, so where are we going? I asked and followed him. He turned around and smiled.

- Bring the guitar, we're heading to the lake.


I am so so so so sorry for updating a month later! I haven't had the time to actually sit down and write, which is why i'm leaving you all with a small cliff hanger. I know what to write next, so HOPEFULLY i'll update the next chapter soon. Thank you to everyone for reading, it really means a lot, more than you think! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years as well! Xo 

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