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- Are you sure you're okay? 

I sighed and grabbed her shoulders in hope for her to really believe me. 

- Annie, you've been asking me this after every period. I am fine, trust me.

- I'm just saying, you've been kinda off today so I just wanted to make sure you really were as okay as you've been saying. 

I smiled and fiddled with my phone before sliding it in my pocket. 

- Well I'm fine, just a bit tired, I didn't get that much sleep. 

I wasn't lying, it was true. I was texting with Kian more than half the night. In fact, we were texting about Annie and her upcoming birthday party that we decided we would surprise her with. Kian told me she's a big fan of surprise, so of course he thought it would be a great idea to throw her a surprise party this weekend. Being the sneaky one, he had been creeping on her phone to get a hold of her closest friends.

- Lee? 

- What?

- You zoomed out, again.

- Don't call me Lee.

- Don't start day dreaming when I'm talking to you.

I rolled my eyes and tried to joke it away, however she gave me a serious stare which made me realize she wasn't in the mood. 

- I'm sorry, you're right. What were you saying?

She chuckle, obviously amused over the fact that I took her starring so seriously. I've been in this position before, and then she wasn't kidding, far away from it actually. 

- I was asking you if you and Drew wanted to kind of, i don't know, double date with me and Kian this weekend? 

I choked. 

- W-what? Why, what why do you make it sound like Drew and I are a couple?

She closed her locker and tried her best to carry the books as smoothly as possible. 

- Why do you sound so surprised I'm asking? You guys kisse..

- So?

She was taken away by my sudden outburst; the way her eyes widened when she realized Drew and I had no relationship going on whatsoever.

- But, you kisse..

- Yes, we kissed. 

She was quiet after that, giving me some time to think about that he had kissed me. Yes it was a few days ago but it never really left my mind. Every time I saw him an encounter of ours popped up in my head and butterflies started flying around inside of me. 

Since when did you become so soft?

I couldn't think about him like that. Sam and I just broke up and it would be very inappropriate if I started dating another guy. No no, that wouldn't be fair to Sam either. And besides, I don't even know if I like Drew enough like that, or if he even find any interest what so ever in me. A tiny part of me wanted me too, an even tiner part thought he did; otherwise he wouldn't have kissed me like he did, or slept in the same bed, embracing me. 

- How long can a person day dream?

I snapped back to reality and once again apologized. She just laughed before we said goodbye and headed to our last period, which we unfortunately didn't have together. 

- So, you want to hang out this weekend? 

School thankfully just finished so Annie and I were currently by her locker. I stopped texting Kian some ideas for the party when I heard her speak. 

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