Beach palms.

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- Okay Mary, there's people down there, you're alright, just don't fall.. i whispered to myself while skating down the small hill towards the beach, which was filled with people. As soon as i'm on the sidewalk, i stop and pick up my board. I'm extremely amazed to be honest. The sky way light blue, as well as the sea, the beach was long and just breathtaking and the palms placed here and there were, well yeah tall. I was so amazed by the nature that i didn't even know where i was going. I had turned around, looked up to the sky to see the top of a palm. I realized i was walking backwards, but that was too late to realize since something hit me, and that something was a person. 
- Woaah! we both said at the same time. I turned around and saw a long, gorgeous guy with both brown eyes and hair. He had a red beanie on as well as a red tank top.
- I'm so sorry! I said, trying to make it less awkward. He smiled.
- It's alright, i wasn't paying attention, he said holding up his phone. I awkwardly smiled back.
- Well, at least what you did was more normal than trying to see the top of a palm while walking backwards.. Oh gosh, did i just say that. Great now he's going to think i'm weird. Perfect.
- Nah, seems pretty normal to me, he said while laughing a little. I couldn't stop smiling. A human being, a perfect one was standing in front of me, looking gorgeous, smiling and laughing at me. What to do next? Just move along Mary, move along.
- Uhm, I guess i'll continue my exploring, I said placing my board on the ground and pointing towards the end of the beach.  I finished my sentence with ''I'll see you around'' even though that wasn't going to happen. He nodded.
- Be careful, see ya! He said and started walking again. Alright, let's see if this day can get more awkward than this, i thought to myself.

- HONEY I'M HOME! I yelled in a man's voice. Right when I did, Dan stepped out of the kitchen wearing an apron.
- I don't know.. I was expecting Karen, but since you're wearing that, and I just yelled in a man's voice, let's pretend shall we? I said walking towards him. He nodded proudly.
- DINNER'S READY SOON MY LOVE! He yelled in a lady's voice. I couldn't help by laughing at his failed move, but that's just my uncle Dan. I walked into the kitchen to see what he was cooking, chicken a la Dan, Karen's favorite. I wonder if they were celebrating something today..
- Smells delicious! I said sitting down. 
- It's almost done, and i think it'll taste better since i'm wearing this. I get more loveable when i'm cooking with this on, he said proudly pointing on his apron. Karen gave him a laugh and smacked him light on the shoulder.
- You've been out for a while, met any new people? Karen asked me sipping her tea.
- Well if that means crashing into a guy then yeah, I said nodding.
- OOH, was he cute? she asked sounding exciting.
- KAREN! I looked at her with my mouth open. Yeah....., i said quietly leaving the kitchen.
 I could hear Dan say ''You go girl!'' when i went upstairs on my way to my bedroom. It was 4:45pm, so i changed into my PJ's. After that i noticed there was a book laying on my bed. I walked over and sat down. It was a photoalbum. I kinda recognized it, but i wasn't sure. I was afraid I'd see pictures of my parents and me, for example when we celebrated Christmas in Alaska two years ago cause my dad thought it'd be an exciting and unforgettable adventure. He was right. It turned out to be the best Christmas we've ever had. The thought made me shivver. 
- Don't cry. They wanna see you strong, i whispered to myself sitting up straigther. I decided to open it. I did, but as soon as i saw the first picture i slammed the book and threw it on the floor. I got up from the bed, took of my PJ's and changed into the clothes i had worn earlier. I ran downstairs, grabbed my phone, board, and slammed the door. I ran as fast as i could away from the house, and when i couldn't see it anymore i put my board down and started skating. 

- There you go, have a lovely evening! I was at Starbucks for some reason, since i don't even like coffee. I ordered hot chocolate. 
- You too! I smiled grabbing the cup. There was no seats to be found so I went outside and sat down on the sidewalk. The café was by the beach, probably that's why it was filled with people. I realized it was placed right across the sidewalk i had been on earlier today. I looked up to the sky and yep, there it was, the top of the palm that i wanted to see so badly before. I then started thinking about the photoalbum, and the picture. The picture of me and Sam on my 14th birthday. I'm turning 17 in three months, so it was almost three years ago. My dad took that picture. I was sitting at the table, wearing a party hat that Sam himself had made the day before. I were in my pyjamas and Sam wore a shirt that I made for him in school. I gave it to him for his birthday, which is 5 days before mine. He said it was the best gift that day. The cake that was infront of me was blue, not surprising since that's my favorite color. Light blue, like the sky before. All the memories of that day went through my mind. One week after my 14th birthday he and his family left. They moved. They left Boston. He left me. I had no idea where they were moving. He didn't say anything. I woke up, trying to call him but didn't reach, which was weird cause he was obsessed with his phone. I went downstairs, greeting my sad parents. They knew. They told me everything they knew about them moving, which was not much. I though it was a joke at first, so I just laughed. You can figure out the rest. I ran as fast as i could to his house. His empty house. 
I realized i haven't blinked for a minute or two. I was just sitting there where the straw in my mouth, looking at the sea. I didn't cry. I couldn't. I was empty.  I wonder if someone was looking weirdly at me, some did probably. I decided to get up and go home, Karen and Dan were probably worried since I just ran out for no reason, slamming the door as hard as i could. 
I finished the rest of my hot chocolate and was on my way to the trash can when i saw the guy. Yes. THE guy. And he was already looking at me. 
- Uhm, hey! he said walking towards me. I just looked at him, not saying a word, as stupid as i was.
- It's me, we crashed before, remember? he asked me smiling. I just nodded. Gosh Mary you stupid thing, just say something.
- I remember, yeah.. Not going to ask if you come here often cause you do, apparently. I didn't know what face expression i had, i didn't even know what i was thinking at that moment.
- Apparently i do, he said laughing. I smiled back at him. Bravo Mary, greatest choice to make today.
- Mary, i simply said reaching out my hand waiting for him to shake it. This dude can smile.
- Kian, he simply said back. We stood there for some minutes, even though I had to get back home. He told me where he lived, which was 5 houses away from mine.
-  I actually have to get back home, they're waiting for me, i said taking a step back. I noticed my tummy started making sounds. Yep, i really was hungry. Perfect, i'm sure Kian heard. Another awkward moment. Bravo once again Mary, bravo. I interrupted its ''snoring'' so he wouldn't hear it.
-  I'll see you around, Kian, i said and placed my board on the ground. 
- I now actually believe we will, he replied. I gave him a quick smile before i turned around.

This was a longer part, but i hope y'all like it! I'll try to write more later. Xo 

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