Forgive me.

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I'm in school, alone. I'm standing in the middle of the first hallway, alone. Everything's quiet except the sound of a ticking clock. Seconds go by as i feel everything gets colder. Every piece of my body shivering from the cold breezes. I look around, wondering where the breezes come from. As i turn my head to the right i see a light in the corner of my eye, as well as i siluette. I squit, trying as hard as i can to see what's infront of me, or who. The clock is still ticking and after every sound it does, it gets warmer and the siluette of what i've realized, it's a person. A boy. Same height. Brown eyes. Perfect jawline. Pink, soft lips. I looked down at myself, noticing a white maxi dress. I look around once again, still finding myself standing in the middle of the school hallway. All of a sudden it's like something forces me to close my eyes and keep them closed for a while, as memories rushed through my mind; The first memory was when i ''bumped'' into Drew in the store, where we first met. Everything then goes black, as another memory pops up; walking around town, talking and laughing, just having a good time. I feel my heart race as i see the third and final picture; us at the peir, almost kissing but, with a little twist; we did kiss. It was a romantic and passionate kiss, like we were the only people in the world. Both our eyes were closed and the kiss got more intense however sweet. My hands were in his hair, trailing down his neck as i pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. His hands had a tight but gentle grip around my waist. Kissing the nib of my ear, making his way to my jawline as well as my neck. After several, long seconds of kissing, we stopped, leaning our foreheads against each others, breathing heavily, looking rather pleased with both of our actions. He let go of my waist and instead search for my hands. Finding them, he smiles and place a kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes and smile. I look happy, almost.. Almost safe, pleased not to mention. He slowly stand up, pulling me up as well, towards him and within the matter of seconds, i'm in his arms, and he looks just as pleased as i do.

- Good morning, darling! 

A very happy and almost exciting Karen greet me in the kitchen. She's basically everything but a morning person, so when she's up early something's usually up.  

- I would ask you why you're awake this early, but i'm not going to, so you might as well explain, i said while basically laying down on the kitchen chairs due to tireness.

- That didn't make sense..

- don't make sense, Karen.

I got up and made my way to the fridge to get some milk for my ordinary and daily breakfast; cereals. Some things never changes. Don't get me wrong, it's not like i'm not a breakfast person, because i am, it all has to do with some 'saving-some-time-in-the-morning' thing i made up to look effective instead of admitting i'm lazy in the morning. Sometimes though, i just feel like making this big, huge, fat breakfast, especially when i'm home alone. To me, the food tastes so much better when i'm home alone, just me? 

- Well, i decided to go out and buy the final stuff for tomorrow now instead of waiting until tonight.

- Wait, what's tomorrow?

She turned around and raised her eyebrows, smirking.

- I'll give you some time to think.

- You know that's not what i usually d..

- ..which is why i'm making you now. You'll figure it out but, you have until tomorrow.

I poured milk as well as cereals into a bowl and placed the milk back on its spot in the fridge. I pulled out the kitchen drawers and grabbed a spoon before i placed the bowl on the counter and grabbed a magazine.

- You? Reading, in the mo..

- It helps me relax! I spat. It was true, not going to lie. I wasn't that much of a reader, well i had my periods where i could read a book every other day and do nothing but reading, reading as fast as i possibly could so i could move on to the next one. Other periods i was against books; just the thought about sitting down, reading line after line after line gave me not so good and comfortable chills. So if someone wants me to read a book, they will basically have to force me, and to do that, i suggest you'd become my teacher.

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