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3 weeks later. 

I think we have a problem. Or, i think i have a problem. You know that feeling, when you can't sleep because of this feeling that you have, and can't really think of the things you should be thinking of cause this feeling is in your way. You don't really know if you can confess it to yourself because you don't know if it's a serious feeling or just a one time feeling thing. Figured out that my problem has something to do about a feeling, or feelings? 

- I think we have a code yellow.. It's a lovely summer morning, July 7th, the sun is shining, birds are singing, yeah it feels like in a movie. Not to exaggerate, but it feels like i'm in a movie, and right now it's the part of the movie where all the problem comes up, you know, after watching an hour of the movie, it seems like nothing can go wrong, then BAM, something happens. From there it goes downhill basically, kind of, at least that what it feels like now, i guess we'll have to wait and see. 

I had entered the kitchen where Karen was, reading the newspaper and drinking tea, as usual.

- Code yellow.. Hmm, code yellow. Wait, let me think, i know this one. Did you, you know, BIB?

- BIB? Do i wanna know what that stands for, i asked her frowning.

- You know, ''bleed in bed'', she said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

- Bleed in bed? You have got to be kidding me, i said looking disgusted.

- You know what I mea..

- OOH YES. I know exactly what you mean, believe me, no need to explain, i said sitting down next to me. Then i continued.

- No, and besides, that's code red.. She nodded and then gave me the ''then tell me'' look.

- Code yellow..

- Okay, i admit, i forgot, just tell me, she said sounding excited.

- It's, it's about, love.., i said hope she wouldn't freak.

- Love? Really? I nodded. She cought up on the nodding, then continued.

- I just have to uhm, yellow? Why yellow?

- We ran out of colors, i said guilty.

- So, love really? She asked surprisingly calmly. I just nodded.

- Has to be one of them right?

- Kinda.. Or yeah, i whispered.

- Sam right? I looked at her, surprised she didn't think it was Kian. She folded the newspaper and put it away.  

- How though Karen i mean.. Just how, i once again whispered. She shock her head.

- Mary, you can't control your feelings.

- Heh, what a typical romantic, movie line, i moaned, like i was in pain, and put my head in my hands.

- Well, it's kind of true, she said and took my hands. She looked me in the eyes and tol me to talk to him. I sighed. 

It's been almost two hours and i still haven't talked to him. Should i call him or wait for him to call me and then randomly tell him? No, i can't do that. I need to tell him in person, even though i might humiliate myself, it's probably the best thing to do. 

It's 7:15pm when i decide to pick up the phone and call him, i mean what can go wrong? It's Sam, you know him, he knows you, nothing will happen Mary, calm down. 

- Hello? His voice gave me goosebumps, in a good way. Wow Mary what has gotten into you.

- Anyone there? Oh right, i should say something.

- Yes, hello, trying to sound as happy as possible.

- Dropped your phone? He laughed.

- Dropped my phone? Me? Pft, i said realizing how stupid i sounded.

- Okay, sure, he said giggling and probably didn't believe me. I hit myself on the forehead.

- Uhm so anyways, what's up?

- I'm on my way home, shall i come over when i am? I smiled, how perfect.

- Yes, do that, i have plans for us, i said but regretted it. I interrupted him before he said something.

- I mean, not that hah, no, no no, i thought just, you know, in a way of, just wondering, i thought of it, yeah you can come over, i said quick. I bit my fist cause i just embarrassed myself real bad.  He just laughed and told he he'd come over when he's home. I hung up and threw pillows around the room. 

- SHIT! i yelled while holding a pillow smashed against my face.

- Mary, language, Karen yelled with a serious voice.

- Well then cover your ears cause you're about to hear some real stuff..

Sam was home and we were on our way to the beach. I asked him if he wanted to have some sort of picnic on the beach. He was starving, so i guess that's why he said yes. We had packed down sandwiches, different kinds of beverages and tacos. Sam picked up a blanket at his place while we were on our way. I still felt embarrassed from the phone call, but hopefully he took it as a joke, thinking i planned it all. Hopefully.

We chose a spot on the beach near the pier. It wasn't windy, which was good. Tacos and sand is probably not the yummiest thing in the world. We laid out the blanket and sat down. I handed him an AriZona and smiled when i saw his face when i picked it up. He opened the basket and handed me a taco. I think i smiled as big as he did when i handed him the AriZona.

After we were done eating, which was maybe 40 minutes later, we just sat there next to each other, talking about random stuff. It was a sunset. The sky was not that blue anymore, more yellow and orange-ish. I looked at it, couldn't stop. There were barely any waves, so quiet but still not. Sam noticed i starred at the sky.

- You like it? he asked softly. I looked at him.

- It's beautiful, i said. He agreed.

- Yeah, you and skies, always had a thing for them.. I laughed.

- Well, since there weren't many pretty ones back in Boston, i fell for them when they did ''arrive''.

- True, but Boston had other pretty things, he said and looked at me. I looked back, not getting his hint at first. Then it hit me. I looked away, hoping i didn't blush.

- Thank you, he then whispered. I looked back at him, starring in his eyes, couldn't look away. I was stuck. I placed my hand down his neck and my thumb lightly on his cheek. I don't know how it happened, but it did. We got closer and closer. My heart started beating faster and faster. I knew exactly what was going to happen. And to be honest, it did.


I hope y'all are enjoyinh the story, more to come tomorrow! Xo 

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