Second chances?

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- Mary, please stop! 
He grabbed ahold of my arm and spun me around.  I stood there with my arms crossed waiting for him to speak. 
- You want to know everything? I'll tell you.
- I think you've said enough Drew, honestly..
- No I haven't, I'm not done.
I sighed and nodded. What could he possibly have left out telling me.
- I don't even know if I want to hear you out.. You tried to break me and Sam apart, Drew!
- You know how Sophie is, and besides, I didn't even know you.
- Should that matter? You shouldn't put your own energy in trying to break two people apart, I mean do you hear how that sounds, it's crazy! 
I threw my arms everywhere, devestated by the things he had told me.
''I didn't even know you.'' Oh like i give a damn if you did or didn't!
- Let. me. explain, please..
He paused for a moment and looked at me, then continued.
- I never would have done it if i knew you, it sounds stupid but it's the truth. Sophie's manipulative, that's the reason i started hanging out with her in the first place. When i got to know you i forgot about her, about the deal, I never thought about actually breaking you two apart. When i was with you i wanted nothing more than get you know you even better.
I looked away the entire time he spoke. Sounds rude, I'm aware. At this moment though I just didn't care. I looked up, facing him when he paused. He looked at me with pleading eyes. 
- I'm not a bad person, trust me. I use to not care about people before but, when she moved i kind of didn't have anyone to be with, so i started thinking and realized I had changed, a lot. But, as you know she moved back. I got a call from her one evening this summer and she told me how badly she wanted to see me, so I went there, I spent the ni..
- Oh please, no details for the love of god.., I said disgusted. He chuckled.
- No trust me, we did not do it. Anyways, in the morning when I was leaving she kissed me, out of nowhere. I didn't know how to react, so i kissed her back. Everything felt so weird and I started wondering why i once was friends with her. I knew how she was and yet I didn't do anything about it, I just let it slip. All I did was telling her that we shouldn't be kissing due to our past, our break ups and stuff, i said i didn't want to go through it again, and she got mad, i guess. So in all honesty, I don't know why i agreed on doing what I did. After I had walked you home the other day, I went to her place and told her we should stop it all but she refused. 
It was another pause, a long one this time.
- So because of her you continued anyways?
- That's what I didn't do. Every time i asked you if you wanted to hang out it was because I wanted to, it had nothing to do with the deal.
- Then what about the kiss? You say you didn't care about what she said, but how come you tried to kiss me?
He didn't answer at first, he just looked down on his shoes and shrugged. I sighed.
- Whatever happened, whatever happens now, I'm done. I don't want to know more, I said and simply walked away. He called my name once but I ignored him. 

- Karen, I feel like baking something! i yelled as i stormed inside closing the door behind me. I dropped my bag on my floor and headed straight to the kitchen where stood preparing dinner. She put away the knife and took a break from cutting tomatoes as she looked up on me. I opened the cupboard and grabbed flour, sugar and vanilla sugar. I looked up to see her smiling. 
- What? I said with an attitude.
- Bad day?
I just nodded and turned the oven on. She smiled and shock her head. When she started making the dressing the front door opened and a happy Dan walked through it. 
- Honey, i'm finally home! 
- I'm in here! I yelled back impersonating Karen as good as i possibly could. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. Dan walked through the opening to the kitchen and smiled at both of us. He the kissed Karen on the lips and then on the cheek which made her blush. 
- You two look pretty busy. You just got home, Mary? 
I nodded. 
- Mhm, sorry if i ruined your makeout session over here, i'll be done in a minute..
- Mary.
- can start, don't worry about me, as long as you're not going to have se..
- Okay Mary, that's it! You storm in here, with an attitude, and then you start talking like this. I'm sorry if you had a bad day but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on us.
I looked up feeling guilty. I sighed as I walked up wrapping my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder. I could feel Dan join us as one arm of his wrapped me up.
- You're right, I'm sorry.., i whispered.
- You look very pretty today in that blue top.
- Haha, cut the crap sweet heart. I don't want you to eat cupcakes or whatever you're making before dinner though, you know the rules..
- I know I know, but there not for me. Sam's sick.
They both aww'ed.
- Well aren't you a sweet girlfriend, Dan said and gissed my forehead.
- Might as well, he's sick and i'm in a bad mood.
- And that explains the baking, i see i see.. You know, i always knew wome..
- Hah, alright honey, sure! Karen replied sarcastically.
I glanced at Dan to see his jaw almost touching the ground with eyes big as golf balls. Karen was smirking and the blew a kiss.
- Is this my wife speaking? As melodramatic as he was, a beautiful, sarcastic and unforgetable scene was about to happen. I started making my blueberry pie as i was listening.
- Dan remember our third, maybe fourth day in Toronto? 
- I was a beautiful day in early June, you were wearing short and a yellow blou..
- Okay! You get it, alright. Anyways, remember when i said; 'Mmh, a cup of coffee would be nice at this time.' Do you remember?
He looked blankly at her. She turned around and faced me to tell me what happened however, she didn't speak. I questioned both of them with my eyes but non of them reacted. I shrugged.
- Soo, did you guys buy coffiee or?
- Hah! See, even she understood and I didn't even tell her the story.
- What, you didn't realize she wanted coffee? I asked Dan.
- No, because i thought she would have said so if she really wanted a cup.
- But that's just women, we i don't know, we ''choose another way'' to get to our point, unlike you men who normally just say what you want, need and think.
- Which brings us back to what this was all about; Honey, you do not know women, not interly.
Dan walked over and placed each arm on mine and Karen's shoulder.
- In my defense i don't have to since you two are the only women in my life that i will ever have to understand, he said and kissed both of our cheeks.
- Well.., i said removing his arm from my shoulder.
- I don't want to interrupt no more, so i'll just continue with my pie.
- So how's it going otherwise, with school and everything? Dan asked as he helped Karen.
- Pretty good i guess.. English is great, Biology fine as well as Math.
- And the teachers?
- Better than my last ones, especially the math teacher Mrs Bryn, she's understanding.
- Anything else we should know of? Forms to fill in or..
- Nope, it's all done.., I answered with a smile.
After a little while my pie was ready. I wrapped it up and placed it by the door. I quickly ran up to change clothes since I had been pretty warm. I put on a yellow maxi dress and a pair of simple black flipflops and headed downstairs.
- 30 minutes, Mary!
- Alright, i'll bring my phone so call me if i'm late.
- Hah, i don't think so miss, 30 minutes!
- Love you too! I said and closed the door. I opened my phone as it revealed 1 text message and 3 missed calls from the one and only, Drew. I sighed and decided to call him back, but he was quicker. A goofy selfie of him appeared on my screen as well as his name. He probably took it when we were at the peir. I sighed once again and pressed 'Answer'
- Are you going to start ignore me now? 
I didn't even have the time to open my mouth before he spoke.
- Is there something else you want to tell me?
- Mary i..
- Too bad, I said and hung up.  
I felt the anger and disappointment inside me but tried to calm down as i spotted Sam's house down the road. I wanted to run but since i was carrying a delicious smelling and hopefully yummy pie in my hands, i didn't want to take any risks. Getting closer to his house i didn't see a car on his driveway, which means he was home alone. I knocked on the door and opened it.
- Sam?
Not a sound.
- Sam are you home?
- I'm upstairs! He yelled back.
I walked over to the kitchen and placed the pie on the counter. I was about to turn around and walk upstairs when i felt two arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. 
- Oh, you scared me there.., i said smiled. He put his lips against my ear and pecked it. 
- So did you when you quietly walked through the door yelling my name, he whispered. I chuckled.
- I'm sorry about that, I said and kissed his cheek.
- Don't be, I feel much happier now when you're here.
He smiled and hugged me tighter. I trailed my hands over to his and lightly placed mine over his. We stood there for what felt like forever until he sighed. He was about to let me go but i brought his hands back on my stomach.
- No no, not yet.
He laughed and kissed my temple.
- Can't we stay like this forever.., he whispered and once again placed his head on my shoulder.
- Unfortunately I can't stay for that long, only about 10 minutes.., i said and turned around to face him. I pouted and leaned his forhead against mine.
- How are you feeling by the way?
- All better. I woke up with a fever so mom thought it would be the best to stay home and rest. I didn't want to disagree.
- Of course you didn't, i laughed and pecked his lips. He went with his eyes from me to the object standing on the counter. He raised his eyebrows.
- What happened today.., he asked suspiciously. I stayed silent and just shrugged, barley noticeable.
- Mary..
- What, can't a girl make a pie for her boyfriend when he's sick? He nodded.
- Sure she can, but this girl right in front of me only bakes when she had a bad day, he said and grabbed my hands.
- So tell me, what happened?
I was about to open my mouth and tell him what happened. How Drew and I went to the beach after school because he wanted to talk to me, and what he w

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