42. Care

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"Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes

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"Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes."

Now, I truly understand what that phrase means.

Here I am, dragging her through the parking lot, away from this chaotic mess, determined to give her some peace of mind. What does she think of herself?

"An intelligent woman," she answered from behind, almost as if reading my thoughts.

"Use your legs more than your tongue. You know you’re in deep trouble," I snapped back, sensing her eyes roll behind me.

"My heels are killing me. I can't walk this fast. Let go of my hand, I’ll follow you," she said, frustration creeping into her voice.


And just like that, before I could protest, she was on my shoulders, kicking and screaming, wiggling like a child desperate to be set down.

"What the actual fuck Ishaan put me down."

Can I spank her please?

"No? You can't" My subconscious spoke instantly

"I am making walking easy for you."

"I have two legs for that."

"Would you mind if I spank you?" Letting your intrusive thoughts win.


"Exactly! SHUT-UP AHANA"

I practically tossed her into the passenger seat and locked the seatbelt while she glared at me, her eyes shooting daggers as if she were ready to devour me whole.

"You know, God blessed me with two hands."

"I wish God had blessed you with a brain," she shot back.

Thud. I slammed the door shut and, without a second thought, made my way around the trunk and slid into the driver’s seat.


Complete, suffocating silence.

She wasn’t speaking because she knew she had been reckless, and I wasn’t saying a word because my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

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