46. Hide and seek

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I’ve been sitting here for three hours, the clock ticking louder in my ears as each minute drags on

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I’ve been sitting here for three hours, the clock ticking louder in my ears as each minute drags on. It’s been three hours. Three agonizing, heart-wrenching hours since she was taken. I can’t even focus. Every regret, every mistake I’ve made, is eating me alive. Why did I say those things to her? Why did I push her away? Why did I let her walk out that door?

If anything happens to her…

I can’t even bear the thought of it. I’d rather burn the whole world to the ground than live in it without her. The flames would consume me, and maybe that would be the only thing left to give me peace. Because without her, nothing matters.

The air around me feels suffocating. Each second feels like an eternity. I can’t sit still, but I can’t bring myself to move, either. My mind races with the thought that it’s my fault she’s in danger. My fault for letting her leave.

What kind of person am I? How did I let it come to this?

I feel numb, empty. Like the world has stopped spinning, leaving me here, frozen in this moment of fear, guilt, and helplessness. What if I never get to hold her again? What if I never get to tell her how sorry I am?

Without her, there’s no purpose. Without her, I don’t know who I am.

"We've got the location," Lakshay's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, making me turn sharply toward him.

"Where is she?" I demanded, my heart pounding in my chest.

"The pointer shows the city side. The vehicle was parked here about an hour ago—"

"Get the cars now!" I interrupted, urgency lacing my words.

"Ishaan, listen to me—"

"What’s there to listen to? She’s been kidnapped for almost three hours, and I’m not wasting another second. You better follow me, or not, I don’t care," I snapped, my voice raw with frustration.

"Ishaan, we’re not doing anything without informing the police."

"Do whatever the hell you want, but I’m leaving now." I could hear the curses from Lakshay's side, but I didn’t care. I slammed my foot on the gas and sped off, my only thought being to get to her as fast as I possibly could.

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