06. Healing

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"Not everyone who meet are meant to stay."

Ahana's Diary

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Ahana's Diary

I thought nothing could go wrong after what happened two years ago. I gathered the pieces of my broken self and tried to start afresh. I know life isn't a bed of roses, but why can't I find even a single rose in mine?

Every time I try to take a step forward, a thorn pierces my feet, and with time, the pain only deepens. Just when I start believing that my life has finally found some peace, I realize it was only a calm before another storm-one that turns my entire world upside down.

No matter how much I try to fix things, they shatter all over again. I'm tired now. I know I promised myself I'd never give up, but what if I no longer have the strength to keep starting over?

But now, I realize I've come too far in life, all on my own, to break at this point-especially over something as incomplete as my love.

Love-it feels like a facade now, a hollow concept people cling to. Everyone seems to depend on someone else, making that person the center of their world and calling it love. But I've come to understand that love isn't meant for me.

Maybe it's because I don't truly deserve it.


have once again gathered the broken pieces of my heart because I refuse to let my sacrifices go to waste over something as fleeting as love.

I have decided to rise stronger this time, and I know I can do this-I will do this.

"Healing is the process of breaking again "

I finished writing the quote and closed my diary. I moved to my balcony to calm myself and sat there on the swing feeling the sound of ocean and started drowning in the memories.


Ahana - 18

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Ahana - 18

"Uff, Mammi! Stop packing all these snacks. It's a six-day trip, not a lifetime journey," I complained, exasperated, as she slipped the sixth packet of chips into my bag.

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