The Perfect Plan

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                                        (Here we go, next chapter, enjoy! A lot more to come!)

Frollo couldn't help but sneer at the thought; it was perfect, the perfect plan. Why in God's name hadn't he thought of it before?! Then again, he'd never been stuck with a brat like Nikolas. The two of them had worked for two days and no result had come about, now they'd grown anxious. They found no delight in working together and it was wearing on their last nerves, in fact, he wouldn't be surprised if both of them pulled out swords and began to duel right in the parlor. Just like he'd said Frollo made Nikolas find his own abode the next day and thankfully Nikolas managed to find a large house, all funded by the king himself. But both of them dreaded the six hours they spent together planning and plotting and bashing ideas. This one however, was perfection. And he was going to make sure it went off without a hitch. On their third day he pounded into the parlor, finding Nikolas finishing coffee and almost spilling it upon himself at Frollo's surprise attack.

"I have it! The perfect way to be rid once and for all of these vermin." Nikolas leaned forward in his seat, watching the Frenchman intently.

"Well?" Frollo curled his lip.

"We need a rat, a rat who will report to us where they are weakest and where to strike the cleanest. But we know that no gypsy would dare betray their flesh and blood. However, if we were to send someone who looked like a gypsy into their camp we would have eyes on the inside. And with the floods of immigrants here it blends perfectly!" Nikolas nodded earnestly, calculating the factors in his head.

"That's perfect! But who would be our rat?" Frollo felt great pleasure in saying the next few words.

"You'd be the rat," Nikolas really did spill the coffee all over himself, causing him to jolt up and curse, wiping his stained clothing that burned his skin.

"What? Why not you?!" He cried angrily, knowing Frollo had planned this on purpose. Frollo chuckled before slamming a fist on the table, glaring at Nikolas who jumped at the sudden gesture.

"Why? Listen you dolt, I am a well-known political figure among these people, they all know what I look like. Besides, my skin is too pale to be that of a gyspy's. You are not known here and you're skin matches rather well to those vermin. If you act like a foreigner and try to get close to Clopin you can find out where the entrance to the Court of Miracles is and their weakest points." Frollo snapped. Nikolas narrowed his eyes.

"But what if they find out? What if I'm caught? What if they slit my throat in the middle of the night and leave my dead body on your doorstep hm? What will you do then? Send me to the king in a coffin saying I did my best?" Frollo's eyes went icy cold.

"Are you saying you are too much a coward to die for your beloved king? Are you saying you do not wish to help Paris? Are you saying you are not loyal to France?" Nikolas felt his anger crumble and he gave a sigh, head down. Frollo leered at him smugly. "No I didn't think so. That means you shall be our rat, am I correct?" Nikolas didn't reply but Frollo coldly repeated the question. "I said, am I correct?" Nikolas shot him a murderous glare.

"Yes, I shall be your rat. When do I start?" Frollo smiled a cold smile that matched a hungry cat.

                                                               "Tomorrow morning."

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