Playing With Fire

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 Frollo knew something was wrong when he hisnose caught the scent of smoke. Standing in one of the upstairs bedrooms hesniffed the air, finding he wasn't wrong, it did smell like smoke. Lookingaround he found it coming from downstairs, uh oh, something was very wrong.Panic seized his chest as the smell grew stronger, actual smoke now burning hisnostrils. He cursed and began to go downstairs; the house had somehow caught fire! As he went down the stairs blacksmoke began to fill the room, making it hard to breathe. Arid fumes stung hiseyes and throat, causing him to cough, finally at the bottom of the stairs.Squinting in the smoke he watched in horror as flames licked eagerly at the drywood frame of the entire first floor, smoke rising steadily and filling boththe rooms and his lungs. At the sound of crackling he looked up, finding a beamon fire right above his head. Ducking to the side he barely managed to avoidthe beam but managed to get his clothing caught on something. As his eyeswatered and he coughed sharply he desperately tried to free himself, tugging atthe fabric. But it was no use, he was caught. Crouching low he tried to find aknife or something to get himself out but he could see nothing in all thesmoke. Suddenly the wood above him crackled and another beam fell, but thistime he had nowhere to go. Collapsing on the floor the half charred beampressed down on his weight, making it hard to breathe, as if it wasn't already.The temperatures rose steadily and he felt himself grow weary and faint.Finally after a lot of fierce tugging and pushing he fell still, next to theempty fireplace and took a raspy breath, shutting his stinging eyes as pain andheat raged through his body. The wood was heavy and he wasn't strong enoughright now, especially while so tired. His chaperon lay beside him, on fire aswell. Burned, tired and hopeless Frollo couldn't help but feel scared, anemotion he hadn't felt since he was very young. He couldn't call for help, the flames were too loud, enjoying the bountyof wood to feed on, and he was stuck. Finally, before he could call for thehelp of God he fell unconscious, after so many burnings at the stake he knew itwas finally his turn to feel the pain of fire. For he had too long played withfire and now, he would finally pay the price for it.

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