Heartbroken Angel

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                                                (Really sad part, please be ready for your own good!)

Nikolas looked around wildly, mouth dry and palms slick with sweat. He was cornered, trapped, ensnared like a rabbit. He had gypsies on both side and he knew either way he was dead, by noose or by knife. Healia grinned at Esmeralda.

"You came." Esmeralda shrugged.

"Easy to get a mob behind you when you scream at the top of your lungs that Healia is in trouble. Family remember?" Healia chuckled and looked at Clopin who held a small sword in his hand. His face was solemn and he did not look her in the eye, merely turned to Nikolas.

"It is over Nikolas, come with us or we will have to take unsavory measures to put you into custody." Clopin said coldly. Nikolas then glanced behind him, finding he was very close to the docks indeed, perfect. Now, all he needed was a hostage. Suddenly with the smooth movement of a master swordsman he grappled Esmeralda's arms, getting both of them behind her back and tugging her to him, taking the knife from her hand and holding it to her neck. The gypsies made a move forward and Healia shrieked.

"Esy!" Nikolas gave a cold smile, pressing the blade closer to her neck.

"Sorry to cut the party short but we must be going. Take one step closer, any of you, and I shall slit her throat." Glancing down at Esmeralda he chuckled. "I always found you annoying, you always interfered in your nosy little way. If not for you I probably could have gotten away clean. But, if I'm going down, I taking you with me. Though I would have preferred Frollo as my hostage." Nikolas said coolly. Frollo felt every muscle in Healia tense. Nobody spoke, the only sound being the rain beating in a rhythm upon the flagstone beneath their feet. Esmeralda took a small breath, the press of cold metal against her throat making her whimper, staring at Healia pleadingly. Nikolas' grip was tight and any movement would result in a fatal injury. Suddenly Healia took a step forward, her face wet from a mixture of tears and rain. Holding up two empty hands she said pleadingly.

"Nikolas, if you let her go I'll go with you instead. Just let her go and I'm yours." Frollo jolted and Esmeralda gasped.

"Healia don't do this, don't you dare!" Frollo roared. Healia glanced back at him, giving a weak smile.

"This is family Frollo; surely you would have done the same for yours." He fell silent, staring at her intensely before glaring at Nikolas.

"Hurt her in any way I will find you and I will kill you!" Frollo snarled. Nikolas looked at Healia, faintly hopeful.

"Are you sure Healia? Do you come willingly?" Healia took a deep breath, looking at Clopin, whose cold dark eyes had transformed into something sad and pained, something that begged her not to do it. But she nodded,

"It's my fault that all this happened, I agree to come willingly." She said simply. Healia walked up to him and once she was within reaching distance Nikolas let Esmeralda go, letting her scramble back to Clopin. Then he extended a hand to Healia who slowly took it, letting him pull her closer. He smiled at her gingerly.

"I knew you'd come to, I promise Healia, I promise to make you the happiest woman ever. I'll take you back to Greece and we will have a family, maybe a boy or a girl, a little girl that looks as beautiful as her dear mother. I swear no harm will come to you my love." Healia leaned to his lips, kissing him gently. He melted into the kiss, relishing the taste of her lips again. Blissfully lost in the taste of her mouth, warm and inviting he suddenly felt a sharp prick at his heart but dismissed it as nothing. However he felt something wet against his cheeks. Opening his eyes slowly he found her crying. And when he looked down he realized why. Her knife protruded from his chest, she'd pierced him right in the heart. As his shirt began to turn red he looked at her in confusion. "Why?" He breathe, blood trickling from the edge of his mouth. She shook her head, tears running down her cheeks.

"I couldn't love a liar Nikolas, I'm sorry." Lightning flashed and at that same moment he leaned to kiss her one last time, and Healia let him, she kissed him until no breath met hers, until she no longer tasted his love. She cried as she kissed him, unable to stop the hot tears from falling. Nikolas found her beautiful when she wept, like a heartbroken angel. Her hands were stained red and his hand, wet with his own blood, had gone to her heart, leaving a red mark before falling limp. Healia caught his body, her lips still against his and her tears still flowing in a hot torrent of sorrow. Settling herself on her knees she held his head on her lap, finally moving her lips away before staring down at him sadly, moving a lock of hair from his blank eyes. "I'm sorry Nikolas, you made me happy yes but I could not love a man who lied to me. And that's all you seemed to do." She sobbed, pressing her head to his  chest. Esmeralda began to cry too, running to her sister's side, hugging her tightly. Clopin went up to both his daughters, making Healia look up at him and smile between tears. "Hi daddy, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She whispered. Clopin smiled faintly and knelt down, embracing both his daughters, only making them sob harder. The gypsies and Frollo watched in complete silence, as silent as the dead, the booming thunder being the only noise over the sound of the two women's crying. That's when Frollo fell to the ground, unconscious.

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