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Frollo was burned just like Healia said, as well as battered and bruised from the beam. There was another entrance, small and dark, filled with cobwebs that made Healia shriek softly when they brushed her skin. It was under a grave and once they lowered Frollo in and Nikolas scooted into the hole he found it was rather spacious, with a ladder to the side, a way out. He noticed there weren't too many webs and old clothes and a cot lay to the end, showing it had sheltered gypsies before. He glanced around and murmured.

"What is this place?" Healia gave him a sneaky smile.

"Esmeralda and I found it when we were little, we were running and, well, I tripped and knocked over a grave. While I writhed in pain over my foot Esmeralda examined the hole, finding a room. IT was probably an earlier attempt of escape by the lovers. So anyway we made this our private place and spent hours together in there. But once we grew older we no longer played around. But we visit every so often. Help me lay him on the cot." Nikolas lifted Frollo's limp frame and laid him with little compassion on the cot that spurt made a soft wheeze at his weight. Then Healia went to a hole that was dug into the wall, pulling out a bowl and rags. And to his surprise, a small jug of water. She gave him a sheepish smile. "Esmeralda usually leaves water for the weird scenario we got trapped in here; don't ask me what's going on in her head." He chuckled and watched her kneel beside Frollo, examining the injured Judge. Frollo was indeed in bad condition, his clothing burnt and torn, revealing cuts and splinters in his arms and a few on his shoulders. His arms were a little bloodied as well and his hose was torn beneath his robes, revealing a bad gash on his left leg and a painful looking burn on his other. And of course a few burns decorated his entire body, even under the robes and a cut went straight across his forehead, hair a dirty jumble. In other words, the Judge was a filthy mess. Healia opened his mouth, and listened, very raspy and thick, he wasn't breathing right. All that smoke had done him damage. Giving a sigh she looked at Nikolas, her eyes serious. "This is not good; he's having trouble breathing, is burned, cut and splintered. I need to get something from my tent or our medicine woman but while I do that will you take off his robe?" Nikolas' eyebrows shot up and his jaw went slack.

"What? You want me to undress the man who's going to try and kill us?" Healia smirked.

"No silly, just take off the mantel, he should have something under and I'd prefer you left that." Nikolas calmed down but threw Frollo a disgusted glance.

"Fine, but you might want to bring food as well and Healia, will you try to keep it quiet about me being here since I'm doing your dirty work and all?" He tried to keep his tone light to make it seem like it was an honest question. Healia nodded and murmured.

"I won't be long." Before climbing the ladder and walking away, leaving Nikolas with Frollo. Deciding he'd better not waste time he began to tug away the mantel on the Minister, trying to do it delicately like Healia would want him to. Once the mantel was off he found that Frollo had only a pair tights on and a thin undershirt. This made Nikolas smirk, now he was the vulnerable one. Settling himself beside Frollo he listened to the painful breathing for a good half hour before Healia came down, a bag slung on her back. Once settled they closed the opening and Healia lit a torch, the light stronger than that of a candle. Taking out a jar of thick golden liquid she also pulled out a spoon. Healia then began to spoon the liquid into Frollo's open mouth, causing him to sputter at first but slowly drink it down, still unconscious. Once Healia was done she began to examine Frollo's body, not at all embarrassed that he was in only his underwear. With light precision she plucked away each and every splinter and took a rag, dunking it in water and cleaning away the blood from his frame. Nikolas stared at her, amazed at how concentrated she could become. Once Frollo was somewhat cleaner she washed her hands before smiling at Nikolas. "Honey helps the throat when sore or if you've been in a fire. The splinters are gone and the cuts washed of blood. I'll dress and wrap them when he awakens. We should probably get some sleep." She whispered. Nikolas gathered all fabric he could, trying to make some sort of cot for the both of them so they wouldn't sleep on the dirt. Once they had a makeshift bed crafted messily of skirts and tops and an old blanket they slept close, both exhausted from the night's events.

Justice is Swift But Vengeance is Sweeter (A Judge Frollo Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now