Tracking the Traitor

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Esmeralda stood frozen before Healia suddenly rushed to her feet; her dagger in one hand.

"Come on Esmeralda, we need to catch him!" She yelled, starting up the ladder. Frollo watched Esmeralda slowly come to her senses, going to the ladder.

"We need to alert Clopin, we can probably cut him off before he gets to the docks. He deserves justice." Healia gave a bitter laugh.

"Yep, and that is in the form of a noose around his scrawny neck." Healia suddenly turned to Frollo.

"Don't let anyone see you alright?" Frollo gave her a cold look.

"I'm not letting you run off alone, even with your sister. I'm coming." Frollo said snappishly, managing to get off the bed. Esmeralda gasped at the sight of the half-naked judge but Healia shook her head.

"No, you're still injured! Frollo get back in the bed right no..." He came closer, walking to them while putting his loose shirt on. Once he was right beside her he said sharply.

"No, you can't do it alone, and stop calling me Frollo, I'm Claude, Frollo is too formal for the moment." Healia's breath caught faintly, her eyes meeting his. He gave a determined nod and Healia looked away, climbing up the ladder. Esmeralda and Frollo swiftly followed, wincing slightly from his leg. Once they were all up Healia looked at the dirt, finding faint tracks leading into town.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do, Esy I need you to go get Clopin; maybe with him we can catch Nikolas. Frollo, if you can, I'd like you to come with me, hopefully we can stall him." Esmeralda nodded and began to run, both Frollo and Healia watching until she'd faded from sight. But then they began to run, or rather, Healia ran while Frollo tried hard not to limp. But as they ran, it began to rain, lightly at first but she could hear the rumble of thunder in the distance, not a good sign. She silently cursed, watching desperately as the tracks began to fade. But once they were in town Healia began to run to the docks, listening to Frollo pant behind her. Her eyes searched the rain, looking for any sign of Nikolas, her hand fisting the dagger. Suddenly Healia's golden eyes caught onto a brown haired figure darting down another street. She sprinted swiftly, managing to get the figure in her line of vision. But something made her think, how did he know the streets so well? He barely ever came out and rarely went into town. How was this possible? Nikolas on the other hand began to panic; he couldn't run forever, he was already getting a stitch in his side, maybe if he tried to trick them he could make it to the boats. Yes, that would work, just talk and keep them distracted. However, before he could put his plan into action he slipped, the slick cobblestone bashing against his body, knocking the air out of him. Nikolas gasped, his head throbbing now but he scrambled to his feet, still trying to run. By now Healia and Frollo had gained ground, now only a few feet from him. Healia stopped, shouting out,

"Nikolas stop! You know you won't get away with this!!!" He turned, his clothes stained with mud and hair wet from the sprinkling drizzle. Nikolas shook his head slowly.

"Who's going to tell the king? The gypsies? Frollo? Besides, I'm the son of his majesty's advisor, my father has the ear of the king and once I get back, so shall I." But then he gave her a gentle smile. "Don't worry, I'll tell them to spare you Healia. Even if you do hate me I won't let them hurt you." Healia narrowed her eyes, taking a step closer.

"You're doing the wrong thing Nikolas, the death of gypsies isn't the right thing, can't you tell the king to leave us alone?" Nikolas gave a bitter laugh.

"I can'tdo that Healia, I can't spare a few hundred gypsies, but I can spare you. It'spolitics, something Frollo was well aware of when we were pared up." Frollostood behind Healia, a hand on her shoulder. However, Frollo's other handunconsciously sought hers, feeling her grasp back tightly. Nikolas froze whenhe saw the small show of affection, and suddenly began to seethe in rage.Frollo had gone to his house on purpose.The liar, he had been trying to get to Healia all along!!! If he'd gotten hurthe knew somehow that Healia would be around and couldn't help but save him. Allof this was planned! The vile villain, oh he could just kill Frollo right here, right now. Growling he took a few stepstoward both of them. "Ah, I see the two of you have grown rather close. Howvery...disgusting. Frollo you sneaky son of the devil, you planned this all out,you got to Healia to get me to break! How dare you even touch you you, you..."Nikolas didn't know an insult bad enough for Frollo but spat at his feet, eyesbathed in fury and disgust. Healia, hisHealia was holding hands with Frollo?Nikolas felt sick to his stomach, but suddenly he noticed torches behind him andspun wildly, finding a group of gypsy folk behind him, led by Esmeralda andClopin. Nikolas was trapped.

Justice is Swift But Vengeance is Sweeter (A Judge Frollo Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now