Guilty Planning

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    "What I would sacrifice fair beauty, would be the world itself, for you and for our love. For what man would not want to be within your arms, listening to your lovely heart beat and gentle breaths and feeling your warm hands caress my face would be heaven on Earth." Nikolas paused, looking at Healia who lay half asleep on the grass near the graveyard, though not many passed them, very few would put it together that there was an entire civilization under all the graves. It shocked him how simple and just plain ignorant all the citizens were, at least in Greece many were educated and knew something. He looked at her calm face and smiled gently, moving a lock of dark hair from her face gingerly. Nikolas couldn't help but yearn to see this each and every night, not just here but within his own home, with her tucked snugly into his own bed. Healia made a sound in her half sleep, turning onto her side so she faced Nikolas, causing him to sigh aloud, closing his eyes for a long moment. Guilt, such heavy guilt on his frame, like Atlas holding up the world, weighed on his conscious. He knew Frollo was already well informed and could do as he pleased. And in the beginning Nikolas had felt the same, ready to do his part for Paris. But now, now he wondered if he was fighting for the wrong side, because in his own mind, he saw the people of Paris as guilty of crimes as the gypsies. For ignoring people in need and terrorizing their children, that's what these ignorant people had to be ashamed for. Nikolas felt his blood fire up as he saw Frollo's smug little smile on his face as he took down the Court of Miracles, burning it all, children and women screaming and crying, Healia, crying. It made his eyes and throat burn at the thought. Shaking his head he opened his eyes, shutting the book. She'd asked him to read to her and he'd agreed but, never did he think he would get so emotional. Taking a gasping breath Nikolas glared at her sleeping form. This woman had complicated him in too many ways, he knew he cared about her; it was as simple as that. Nikolas wanted to wake her up and yell to the world that he cared, that deep, deep down; he loved Healia, and hear her say the same to him. To hold her in his arms and listen to her talk gently to him, to forgive him. For he was the reason all the Court of Miracles was to fall like the Roman Empire. Her father would be killed and so would her friends and family. This made him panic, what would happen to her then? Execution? NO! He, he couldn't let that happen, he would be better off dead if she was killed. He would defend his Healia to his final breath, no matter what. Nikolas decided there was only one thing to do, once all of the gypsies were captured he would plead and threaten and bargain with Frollo to keep her at his side. They could live happily together back in Greece, and never would he have to think of this horrid plot ever again. As she awoke he knew that he would have to admit his feelings to her sooner or later and find if she loved him and take her back to Greece. But deep down he knew it would not be that easy.

                                                                         And he was right.

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