Saying Goodbye

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   (The ending is here, last touching moment! Thank you guys for reading this story I really appreciate it! If you have any ideas for another FrolloxHealia story please tell me! I'd love to hear what you guys think!)

Healia traced the letters with her fingers, finding with every curvy symbol her eyes got wetter and wetter. Νικόλας, son, protector of France, a young man who left earth too soon" Νικόλας. They'd buried him quietly, in fact almost no one had noticed the new grave in the richer part of Paris' graveyard, no one but Healia that is. She'd stumbled upon the freshly made grave, finding it made with pure love and grief, as if the emotions had been carved into the stone itself. Suddenly she heard a soft voice behind her,

"He isn't going to come back, no matter how much you want him to deep down." Healia whipped around, rubbing her eyes hastily to find it was Frollo, dressed in dark riding gear, a cloak on his shoulders to block the cold. Healia sniffled.

"I...I know, but sometimes I wake up screaming because I keep dreaming of the moment I killed him, the moment he kissed me for the last time. And, I feel guilty, so guilty that..." Healia began to cry, the tears that had threatened to spill falling too fast for her to control. Frollo pulled off his cloak and put it on her shoulders, kneeling beside her, wiping her tears from those lovely golden eyes. She let him embrace her, crying into his shoulder, letting out all her sorrow and guilt in the form of tears. Frollo hushed her gingerly.

"Healia, I know you cared about him, loved him at a time. But if he truly loved you, he wouldn't want you to spend the rest of your life miserable and guilty. I understand you feel remorseful and upset that you took his life, but your sorrow can never fix what God had happen, it was the will of God for him to leave earth. You need to say your goodbyes because if you truly love someone, you'll let them go, just like what I did with you." She lay her head upon his shoulder, relaxing her tense body against his, fingering one of the few scars that lay on his skin. He jolted but let her fingers stroke the memory, still fresh like a wound. Healia then whispered desolately,

"You're right Claude, you're right." She turned and looked at the gravestone, her eyes growing watery again. His name continued to burn through her right to her very soul, reminding her of his playful brown eyes, tussled chocolate locks and warm voice that had always made her feel welcomed. Her heart ached as she spoke,

"Η αγάπη είναι τυφλή (love is blind), Η αγάπη είναι μια ψυχή σε δυο σώματα (Love is a soul in two bodies), κλείνω τα μάτια μου και βλέπω το πρόσωπό (I close my eyes and see your face) και μου λείπεις , Νικόλας (and I miss you, Nikolas) Ποτέ δεν πρέπει να ξεχάσετε , εραστής τσιγγάνα μου." (I shall never forget you, my gypsy lover.) Once she'd finished her words she began to cry again, ignoring the sound of thunder and the light tap of rain upon her head. Frollo watched for a while before sighing gently, scooping her up in his arms and caring her to his horse, knowing she very well couldn't sit in the rain all night. But as Frollo picked her up she opened her eyes and couldn't help but feel like Nikolas was near to her, as if watching her. And then she saw him, a hazy form standing beside his grave. He no longer had her dagger though his heart and he smiled at her, giving a wave and blowing a kiss. She smiled through her tears and gave a wave, making him wink before disappearing, taking Healia's guilt with him and only leaving a smile upon her rosy lips. And as Frollo rode through the rain to the Court with Healia snuggled close, she felt a hand over her heart, knowing that even though she loved Frollo, Nikolas would always linger in her heart.

                                                   Forever and always.

                                                                     The End

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