"Just Haven't Found The Right One,"

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      (Of course, I must introduce two more characters that will play big roles, enjoy! )

"ESMERALDA! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Healia held her best skirt in one hand, now ruined thanks to her sisters' annoying goat, Jolly. Oh if not for her sister she would make dinner out of the little beast! Esmeralda walked into her sister's tent, staring without interest at her ruined garment.

"The damage isn't that bad, it's just a few chews. Don't complain, Jolly chewed a lot of my stuff and quite a bit of it very nice quality." Esmeralda said simply. Healia glared at her before back at the skirt,

"Well he isn't my stupid goat now is he? Keep the little beast under control; this was my best skirt, the one Clopin just got me." Healia snapped, looking down at the ruined skirt with remorse. It had taken Clopin a month to buy such lovely red fabric. Esmeralda sighed and took her sister's shoulder.

"I'm sorry sis; Jolly knows your stuff is off limits. I'll help you sew it back together." Healia gave her sister a glare but at her sincere green eyes she couldn't help but smile faintly.

"Thanks Esy, do you know about how many new gypsies arrived today?" She shook her head before smiling.

"No, but I'm guessing a few. Not many come now but there's still a steady trickle." Healia smirked.

"Soon this place will be filled with gypsies; maybe some of us will have to live in the sewer part of this place." Esmeralda wrinkled her nose and laughed.

"That's disgusting, but I'd give you the pleasure my dear sister, of sleeping there first. However there's a good thing to all these new additions." Healia looked at her expectantly and Esmeralda toyed with the edge of her purple skirt, giving her sister a wink. "It means lots of new men to catch the eyes of, not like any already can resist us." Healia rolled her golden eyes, putting the skirt on her cot and beginning to search for her needle and thread.

"You mean you Esy; no man is ever after me. The only reason they do see me is because I am with you." Esmeralda nudged her sister.

"No Healia, you're not ignored, you just haven't found the right one yet, but that doesn't mean you should stop." Healia chuckled.

"Yes, and you're still searching for the right dozen," Esmeralda stuck out her tongue and Healia did the same before giggling like when they were little. Both of them then walked through the Court of Miracles, hand and hand, both going silent for a long time until they reached the surface, looking at the moon above them. Healia felt Esmeralda rest her head on her shoulder and she smiled dreamily, staring at the stars that danced and twinkled. "Maybe you're right Esy, maybe I will find the right one for me. But when?"

Justice is Swift But Vengeance is Sweeter (A Judge Frollo Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now