Heavenly Encounter

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Frollo regained consciousness slowly; his head throbbing like a hammer had decided to pound his forehead like a nail. He gave a groan as he felt his body gain a hundred pounds, so heavy and hard to move not to mention aching in every single place possible. But he felt a cool sensation on his forehead, making his body relax. Painfully he opened his heavy eyelids and what he saw blearily before him was...an angel. Yes, an angel! She was lovely, her eyes were golden like twin stars, this had to be heaven then and one of their most beautiful angels had come to greet him. He'd expected angels to be golden haired and blue eyed though, at least, that's what the pictures said, but he found this angel's raven hair and golden eyes gorgeous, maybe she only came to greet certain souls. Frollo opened his mouth but nothing came out, nothing but a raspy breath. She smiled and Frollo wondered how on earth there were no pictures of her, he'd seen hundreds of pictures of heaven but never had he seen an angel like her, she was too beautiful to miss. But did she have a name? Did angels even have names? This one deserved the best name God could bestow, those eyes were...mesmerizing, spellbinding even. His heart went faster as she stroked his forehead, fingers gentle and tender. He felt his forehead cool at her touch, perhaps her touch could cure the injured; did souls go to heaven wounded? If not why did he ache so badly? He throbbed everywhere and winced as her fingers brushed his hand, it hurt severely. He made a soft sound, a mewl of pain, but she soothed him and whispered.

"You're tired and injured, you need rest. Go to sleep Frollo." Never in his entire life had he heard such an exquisite voice, now he was sure he was in heaven. When she mentioned the word sleep he felt his eyes grow heavier and with a faint smile on his face he slipped back into sleep, now assured he was in good hands.The hands of the most stunning angel in Heaven.

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