Itches and Frustration

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"How are you feeling?" Frollo furrowed his brow at the question, reaching beneath the sheet to scratch his bandaged leg which was bothering him horribly.

"I itch, itch like mad, would you consider that bad or good?" He inquired snidely. Healia sighed, it had been two days since she'd brought Frollo in here and couldn't help but find his nagging annoying, probably because he was nagging like an aristocrat, that baritone giving orders was used to getting it's way. She grasped his wrist and moved it away from his leg.

"Well you can't scratch Frollo; it will only make it worse." He gave a growl, scratching it furiously.

"It is going to drive me insane if I don't, besides all I do is lay about, the itching is all I'll be thinking about!" He pestered, continuing to scratch. Yesterday Frollo had managed to regain his voice but the all most all the rest of his body was out of commission, meaning he could complain and not do a thing about it. Healia shook her head, and heard Nikolas in the back, giving a groan.

"Make him stop, please Healia I can't stand his complaints, shut, him up!" He cried pleadingly. Frollo responded with irritation.

"Well at least you're not the one trapped in a bed unable to do a thing! I can barely move one arm and the other hurts at every single twitch so I think you are the one who she should shut up you brat!" Nikolas rose to his feet, ready to give the Judge a piece of his mind when Healia snapped sharply.

"Willboth of you just Be Quiet?!" Both men fell silent, giving each other a glarebefore Healia glowered at both of them. "Yes Nikolas I know you are upset beingcooped up with him and Frollo I understand that you are trapped in bed frominjuries. But complaining will do no good, especially with me being crankyright now! Now both of you can shut your traps and let me work or I can gagboth of you, either way both of you will be quiet, alright?" When neither spokeshe gave a nod and lifted the blanket that Frollo tried to keep on him at alltimes, preserving his dignity, to examine his leg. Looking it over she foundthat one cut was red around the corners thanks to his violent scratching, onlymaking the skin break and bleed again. Giving a sigh she turned to Frollo. "Thecut is itchy because it's healing alright? Which means don't scratch it!" He gave a frustrated sigh but couldn't help butfind her firm attitude much like a mother, scolding and checking on himconstantly. And he found himself intrigued with her; he wanted to know moreabout her and her so called education.Going to her supplies Healia pulled out a deep green ointment, pouring some onher hands and gingerly putting it around the cut. Frollo shivered, it helped alittle but still itched. Once she'd put it on him he reached to scratch but shebat his hand, giving him a stern look. "Scratch again and I will tie both yourhands to the cot so you can't move at all. Understood?" He narrowed his eyesbut didn't make a sound. Giving him a curt nod Healia went to Nikolas, unawarethat Frollo was still watching her, every move she made, the way she twistedher hair through her fingers and her bare feet. He couldn't help but thinkabout how nice it had felt with his head against her shoulder, her hair soclose that he could wind it through his own fingers and feel the soft thicknessher locks possessed and let her touch his own hair, twisting and twining thecurls through her hands...Frollo swiftly shook his head, looking away from her.She was too distracting, just looking at her made him made it hard to focus onthe rest of the world. Focus on his goals, if he wasn't careful he'd gettrapped in the web of beauty she'd woven, just like Nikolas. And that wouldn'tbe good. Then again, it was the first time a woman had captured his attentionlike this, as the Prime Minister he'd been approached by women eager for a richhusband but had never thought much of them, but why did he find this onedifferent? Was it because she was beautiful? Or maybe because she could 'read',a rare talent among gypsies. Maybe because she was enthralling; someone that youcouldn't help but desire to know better. Frollo closed his eyes, unable to berid of those riveting golden eyes. He would question her and find out more, orit would drive him crazy.

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