Chance Meeting

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     Healia grinned, eyes darting around. Where had her sister gone now? They didn't have time for this! They had to find Clopin! But it was so much fun, playing hide and seek among the many tents in the Court of Miracles. Taking a left she saw a shadow that faintly represented her sister and she had to hold back a laugh. Oh Esy, she was the best of fun, the kind that would never grow bored of you. And the type you'd never grow bored of yourself. Speeding up she ducked and weaved among friends and new arrivals, running barefoot after her. Raven hair flying out behind her she ducked under a group of men moving a tent and swept past some younger children playing with a ball. However, she swiftly knocked into another body, her force sending them both flying to the ground and knocking the air out of them. She gasped for air and the figure gave a grunt, both a little stunned but neither appearing hurt. Healia then realized she was sprawled on top of the stranger and with a squeak she darted off and stood, finding a young man, around her age beneath her. And beside him stood an irritated Clopin who swiftly helped up the man. "I apologize lad, this is my daughter and she's just messing about, no doubt with her sister." He looked her in the eye, brown meeting golden and his own went wide while she stared back in faint surprise. He was handsome, strong features and a vest that exposed his chest that was as bronzed as the rest of him. The stranger opened his mouth but nothing came out, he was hypnotized by those beautiful golden eyes. His heartrate quickened and he felt suddenly short of air. Thankfully for him Esmeralda bounded up, a pout on her face.

"You didn't find me Healia, what are you...oh helllllooooo Clopin and, nice-looking stranger?" She said quickly, not unaware of the disapproving look on her father's masked face. Healia found herself strangely drawn to the stranger but Esmeralda decided to move things forward, seeing her sister and the strangers' gazes locked.

"Ah, another gypsy. There aren't many spaces left, maybe you can share a tent with my sister here..." Healia turned bright red and shoved a laughing Esmeralda in the back.

"Esy!" She snapped, turning hastily to Clopin and the stranger, blushing profusely. "I'm Healia, what's your name?" The stranger coughed, looking down.

"Uh, Nikolas. Is, Healia Greek?" He guessed. She smiled shyly.

"Why, yes it is, isn't Nikolas Greek as well?" He nodded slowly, feeling his eyes run over her entire body before being drawn back to those lovely eyes. Nikolas smiled back and Clopin grinned, knowing exactly what was happening. Rubbing his hands together he gestured to Nikolas.

"Well seeing you two know each other's name and such, I believe it would be best if we found this young sir a sleeping tent and no Esmeralda we will not be pairing up gypsies unless they both want too." Esmeralda giggled and gave Healia a nudge. Clopin led away Nikolas and Esmeralda pulled Healia to the side, grinning.

"You two hit it off really well. Maybe I should be a fortune teller if I can predict this sort of thing this well." Healia looked away from her sister.

"We didn't hit it off Esy, he just, has the features of someone I might of known. I don't know, but I might want to talk to him and..." Esmeralda cut in,

"Kiss him? Those lips did look nice. Speaking of features did you see that chest? A rather intriguing feature hm?" Healia shook her head.

"Get to know him. And no I was not staring at his chest! You make it sound like I'm preparing to meet my fiancé." Esmeralda shrugged before smirking.

"Youmight be, just tell me right now, if you two get married, can I be you're maidof honor?" Healia opened her mouth to shriek at how they were not gettingmarried but Esmeralda noticed Jolly walking past them and reached for the animal."There you are you naughty little goat, you owe Healia an apology. But let's gosee if we can fix her skirt." With that she began to walk off, leaving Healiaby herself. Her retort deflated and disappeared, leaving her to sigh softly andglance in the direction Clopin had taken the stranger. There was something oddabout him, but she found him intriguing. And when she was curious aboutsomething, very little could get in her way.

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