The Beginning to Then End

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  Nikolas got up to leave, knowing he would not be welcomed much longer. Then again when had this man ever willingly welcomed anybody into his home? But before he left he looked over Frollo, seated in his deep ebony chair, blending with his judicial robes.

"Am I done here or are you going to continue to sneer and mock my heart? Are you going to mock the fact I can care and you cannot?" He muttered. Frollo bristled but did not speak. Nikolas held his gaze, the question lingering in the air. Frollo waved a hand but Nikolas did not leave. "Will you answer my question, or do you not have an answer?" Frollo gritted his teeth.

"What that mark means is not caring or friendship. That mark is that of a lover and you know that. Caring is different from throwing one's entire life and reputation on the line because they make your heart burst. I care about important things, things that will affect my life and that of my Paris. I see Paris from a political, cautious view; I must protect my people and my home. You on the other hand are caring in a personal, reckless way. She is nothing more than a witch, a gypsy with no place to truly call home. And you are willing to throw away everything here to protect her? That is not only throwing yourself into danger, but her as well. No, you do not just care about her now do you? You feel something more for her, and yet you continue to say 'care' when I know perfectly well you mean a different word. Enlighten me Nikolas, what might that word be?" Nikolas knew Frollo had turned the tables on him, pressuring him for an answer instead of the other way around. He would not say the word aloud; he would not admit he loved her. Because if he did, he would be unleashing all his affections for her, and Frollo would only use it against him. Even though Frollo had sworn Nikolas didn't trust him; that was one thing he would never forget from the gypsies. Rubbing his dirty forehead he glared at Frollo.

"I care about her, end of story. You shall not lay a hand on her or I shall get the king involved, simple as that." Frollo sneered at the threat.

"So you do not trust a man's word? How very offensive, and if I were to lay a hand on her by the time you get a letter to that man she'd be burned to a crisp. Or you would be chained up for helping the enemy. Or maybe both. This is my city Nikolas; must I keep reminding you that you will not get a servant or a letter past me if it is going to the king? You are in my domain; it is as simple as that." He said smoothly, crossing his legs comfortably. Nikolas knew he could not outfight this man, he didn't stand a chance trying to fight him politically either, what could he beat this man at then? The only advantage he had was his knowledge of Greek. Frollo went on. "Now, if I leave her in reasonable condition what do you plan to do with her? Raise a little horde of brats?" Nikolas was so very close to walking up to the smug hypocrite and throttling him until his face was purple. But he merely put on his calm face; maybe they could settle some sort of deal, maybe something that would satisfy both of them even though he boiled viciously under the surface.

"No, I shall take her back to Greece with me, smuggle her to my home and marry her. Then, then she is no longer your problem, alright?" Frollo chuckled, lip curled as he smirked.

"Oh how very rich. You are going to marry a gypsy, maybe then you will lose favor with the king and I can pretend that we never met and you can go to the slums where you belong. I don't care if you father is his majesty's advisor, all I see before me is a filthy, impolite, impulsive..." Nikolas stood up, dusting himself off.

"We've completed our business Frollo. And I do not care that you are Prime Minister, in fact, I couldn't care less if you fell off a cliff and died. In fact, all of Paris would probably be joyous at the fact. I may be dirty and impulsive Frollo, but at least I have people I care about and trust, you on the other hand have no one, no one would care if you were dying. If you can name me one person who cares about you, really cares about you then I might just dance naked in the streets." Frollo was silent, very silent. He glared Nikolas in the eye, abhorrence burning in those pools of liquid iron but did not speak. Because he knew that Nikolas was right, even as he silently and faintly desperately racked his memory for anyone who truly cared for him he could not find a soul. Nikolas took this moment to nod, taking his silence as an affirmative. "I thought so, now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere else to be. Good evening Frollo." With that stiff formality Nikolas left the palace of Justice, leaving Frollo the think over his words, despising Nikolas for bringing the truth to light. The reality that no one in all of France cared about him. Nikolas on the other hand felt victorious for once, Healia would be safe and live happily ever after with him in Greece. Walking leisurely out of the Palace of Justice he failed to notice the skinny gypsy that had watched, open mouthed, as Nikolas left the home of the Judge unharmed. This gypsy had heard the argument from outside and decided to continue to follow his suspect, the suspect Clopin had told him to trail in secret. With steps that barely made a sound the gypsy shadowed Nikolas, finding him stopping at a large house before going in. The gypsy hid behind an empty barrel that reeked of beer, much like him. Once Nikolas came out he found the traitor carrying a few items that hadn't been with him when he went in. So this was the traitor's safe home, interesting, Clopin certainly would like that information. They gypsy followed Nikolas all the way back to the Court of Miracles and Nikolas, very unaware in his state of relief and delight, did not know his entire life would crumble over the next few days until nothing but the shattered remains were left.

Justice is Swift But Vengeance is Sweeter (A Judge Frollo Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now