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I gasp and shoot up almost falling out of the tree I am perched on, I can never escape that night, even in my dreams.

I silently jump off the tree and land on my feet, I pull the hood of my black cloak up to cover my face, It is crucial I hide my identity. I secure my bow and arrow on my shoulder and make sure my knife is strapped to my thigh.

Patrol will be here any minute Rowan. Maeve, my wolf warns me.

I burst into a sprint my wolf giving me power to run faster. I am close to the end of their territory so it is rather easy for me to cross over their territory and on to neutral territory. The wolves stop at the boundary line snarling and growling at me. Pack wolves can't attack rogues if they are in neutral territory. I give them a smirk and wave before taking off into the next territory that I will be staying in. You see I have quite a reputation in the werewolf community, they call me the temptress. I have been a rogue for 8 years and I have never been caught, not even once.

There is a mundane town about two miles left. Maeve directs me, I nod to myself and take off running.


I stand in the shadows of the tree line looking down at the town. I crouch down and drop my old and torn backpack on the ground. I search through it until I find the plastic baggie that I store my money in. I take it out and count it, I'm running low. Looks like I'm going to do some breaking and entering tonight. I dig a small hole and stuff my knife and bow in it then cover it with grass and leaves.

Once I get into the town I sniff the air making sure there are no other werewolves, nope only humans. I lower my hood and have my black cloak tied loosely around my neck as I walk on the sidewalk to the nearest clothing store, I'm in need of some new jeans and shirts.

" Hello do you need any help finding anything?" An overly happy teenage girl walks over to me with a smile but it falters when see looks at my scar. I wave her off with a harsh glare, She shrinks back and runs to another customer. I had lost my voice my second year of being a rogue due to an accident, I have no person to talk to so I've accepted it and it just adds on the mystery of the temptress.

I walk around the store and pick out two pairs of jeans and a couple of t-shirts. I also buy a few undergarments as well. I walk up to the register and the same girl from earlier fake smiling at me. I love the look of fear people have when they see me.

" Is that all?" She forces out with a painful looking smile. I nod and hand her the cash. She carelessly bags my clothes and hands it to me eager for me to leave. I smirk at her and exit the store. I go to a random diner and order some food. After I'm finished eating I go to a convenient store and buy a few granola bars and a water bottle.

" Hello are you looking for a room?" A kind old lady says to me when I enter the check in room to a small motel next to the store. She looks at my scar and I can see the fear in her eyes because of it. Good. I nod and hand her the money to stay for one night. She looks at me wearily but hands me a key anyway. I nod to her and go to my room, time to do some quality burglary.

When I get back, I successfully stole over 200$ and that should last me for another month. I strip my clothes and carelessly throw them on the floor, I grab the underwear and a small razor
from my backpack, I go into the bathroom and wash away all the grime and dirt from my body.


I shoot up the same dream haunting my mind.

The Temptress// h.s auWhere stories live. Discover now