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Finn and I went into a human town and got the necessities he needs with the money I stole before I met the Alpha. I refuse to use his money.

" Thank you for making me part of the pack." Finn says as we enter the forest.

" Don't expect me to be as kind next time, I don't do nice." I grumble in his mind through the link trudging behind him.

" I understand." He nods his head before dropping his bags to shift. I look at his grey wolf, it is small and I can easily tower over him in wolf form. He needs to be trained. I shift and start running with him at my right flank.


I show Finn to his room right across the Alpha's, I leave him to get situated and carelessly fling open the Alphas door.

" Where were you?" The Alpha comes out a nowhere making me act quickly and pull out my knife ready to attack.

" What the hell!" I put my knife away and push past him."Don't ever sneak up on me like that again." I warn plopping down on my bed, meaning the couch.

" You have his scent all over you!" He continues to scold me like a child. " Did you fuck him? I'm going to kill him, no one touches what's mine." He is getting angrier by the second He is over reacting and jealous. I am not an object. I'm not something you can own, but it's cute how he thinks I'm still a virgin.

" Have you had sex with anyone else other than me Alpha." I sneer trying to contain my laughter. I have a weird sense of humor.

" Yes I have but only once, I was a teenager and dumb and it meant nothing. Are you not...?" He trails off looking uncomfortable saying the word.

" Am I a virgin?" I chuckle before finishing, " No I'm not." The Alphas face falls from the revelation while I just smirk feeling no remorse from the one night stand I had.

" I never wanted a mate Alpha, I still don't." I shrug and pull out my knife to examine it, I need to get this thing sharpened. He sighs and looks at me with saddened eyes to which I respond with a roll of my my own.

" Why? Why don't you want me Rowan?" His voice cracks, is the Alpha going to cry? That would be hilarious if he did.

" Look at me Alpha, I am a rogue. I am a dangerous creature that enjoys killing. I haven't felt true emotions for six years and I can't care for anyone like a good luna should." I rant getting up so I am inches from his face. " I can't be what you want me to be Alpha."

" I don't want you to act any differently, I just want you. I spent three damn years searching for my mate and promised myself that once I found her I would accept them no matter what. Even if they are cruel, selfish, dangerous, and cold hearted. I don't care about any of that because we are meant to be together, our souls are intertwined and cannot be apart." The Alpha argues back leaving me speechless.

" I need to leave." I say and run to the door, I feel like the room is suffocating me. The Alpha
grabs my arm restraining me from leaving. I whip my head around and let out a loud threatening growl. Touching! He is touching me, tingles go up my arm and expand to my whole body.

" Let me go Alpha before I tear your arm off." I say lowly my voice calm despite the rage I have for him begging to be released.

" Stop running away from me." He growls back, is he challenging me. If he is I will kill him mate or not.

" I'm not running, I'm saving everyone in this pack house from being killed." I retort, does he not understand that I am capable of doing so. I'm not some weak girl that gets hurt every five minutes.

" No you will stay here." He orders, like that is going to stop me.

" You cannot tell me what to do Alpha." This conversation is turning into a growling competition.

" Fine just fucking leave." He lets go of my arm forcefully I can hear Maeve whimper in the depths of my mind. " You finally find the one person that will accept, love and trust you no matter what and you push them away." The Alphas words are full of sadness but his face holds anger. A deadly mixture of emotions.

" That's the only thing I know how to do Alpha." I look into his eyes that seem to be holding me captive. I try to step towards the door but my feet are not moving, why the fuck can't I move away. He closes the remaining space between us and leans down so our faces are only an inch apart. It's like my fucking feet are glued to the ground. His eyes are literally holding me captive.

" No it's not, that's just what you choose to do." His breath fans my lips, what is he doing! My mind is screaming to be released from his hold but my body refuses. What the hell?

"What are you doing to me?" My voice is panicked from my inability to move away. I am defenseless.

" I'm not doing anything to you." He smirks, what the fuck.

" Yes you are." I am full out panicking right now, I feel completely and utterly trapped right now. The Alpha reaches up to pull my hood down.

" You have a beautiful face my love." He compliments while tracing my scar. Touching!

"No get off me you bastard." I slap his hand away from my face but he brings his hand back up to trace the outline of my lips. His touch alone brings out foreign emotions that I'm not accustom to, I dont like it!

" Just one kiss." He whispers leaning closer so our lips are just barely touching.

" No get away from me!" Why the fuck will my legs not move god dammit. " Tell me why I can't move!" I yell feeling caged while overwhelmed by unfamiliar emotions.

" Can't you feel it, can't you feel our wolves connecting." He whispers looking at me lovingly. Dammit Maeve what the hell. I silently curse my wolf and the Alpha.

" Get off me Alpha." I growl growing more and more unstable.

" I'm wondering why the moon goddess mated me to a rogue." He says and lazily twirls a piece of my hair around his finger.

" I'm wondering why the moon goddess mated me to an alpha." I fire back.

" So fiesty." He smirks inching closer to my face, but more specifically, my lips.

" Fuck no." I protest, who does this guy think he is. He is a dead man.

" Mm I've wanted to kiss you since I first saw you." He mumbles before gently connecting our lips. My whole body tingles as his touch causes a foreign feeling to erupt from the confides of my cold heart. It's the one feeling I thought i'd never feel again. Love. Stop messing with my emotions Maeve!

I push him off me despite all Maeve's protests. "I will kill you Alpha." I snarl glaring at him with a burning hate. I finally am able to move my legs again, the spell is broken. thank god.

" Is that a threat Rogue?" He sneers back standing his ground. That's right I am a rogue, and he should never forget that.

" It's whatever you want it to be Alpha, now unless you want everyone in this house to die I must get going."


I roll around in wolf form on the leaves on the forest floor happily, I am to far into no mans land for the Alpha to ever find me. That reminds me I still need to go see James.

You should go back to the Alpha Rowan, I sense something bad is going to happen if we don't return soon. Maeve warns menacingly in my mind,

"I don't care what happens to the alpha." I scoff.

You will because if he dies we die. She retorts smugly. God damn can't I ever get a break.

" You win this time wolf."

A/N Heyy peeps another day of updating because why not, tge next chapter will be fooking intense and Im excited anyways vote and comment and yeah okay byees :)xx

I'm one step closer to be two far from you.


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