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"I don't understand?" Harry says holding his hands up while looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Each of my advisors loyalty will be questioned, if they fail I get to kill them." I say simply pressing the knife closer against his neck but not hard enough that it will cut him.

"Well start asking." I roll my eyes and feel Felix tense up. "Fine I'll ask the first question." I sigh.

"How did you come into this position?" I ask and he tries to move his head. "Keep your fucking eyes on him." I growl moving it back straight.

"My family has been close to the royal family for centuries." He answers fearfully, I look to Harry and mind link him questions.

"When did you start?" Harry asks taking over the interrogation.

"One hundred years ago." Damn he is fucking old. Our wolves have the ability to slow the aging process when we turn eighteen, how this is done is unclear. It's just a fucking awesome trait that werewolves possess.

"Do you have a mate?" Harry asks looking more comfortable with the situation.

"I did but she was killed in a rogue attack." He says sadly, I have no sympathy.

"I would never betray my kingdom, I want these rogues dead just as much as you do." He defends his heartbeat picking up.

"Then why do you contradict everything Rowan says?"

"Because.." He pauses.

"Don't make us wait Felix." I sneer.

"I don't think you are fit to be queen alright, no one will want a filthy rogue to rule over them." He spits out disgust in his voice and it takes all of what little self control I have to not slit his throat. "You are a cold hearted soulless creature that should've been killed a long time ago. You are a bloodthirsty monster, and that ugly scar on your face proves it." He growls finishing his angry rant and I start laughing, sarcastically of course.

"I think it's hilarious how you think your words affect me in any way." I sneer. "I know I'm heartless and I'm damn sure I don't have a soul. I feel no remorse for any of the pathetic lives I have took so yes I know I'm a fucking monster." I look up seeing Harry looking fearfully at me. My stomach drops, he's scared of me again.

"Harry-" I start loosening my grip on Felix. I can't bare the look Harry is giving me.

"You aren't as strong as you think Temptress." I'm taken by surprise when my knife is ripped out of my hand. I guess Felix had finally snapped and is showing his true colors now.

"You finally have a weakness." Felix sneers pushing me off him and into the stone wall. Shit that hurt.

"I'm tired of you thinking you're better than us." He says stalking towards me as I get up my vision a bit blurry from hitting my head so hard. "You're a rogue that has committed crime after crime, murder after murder, and now I'm going to be the one to finally kill the Temptress." He grins before he is knocked down by a livid red faced Harry.

"Don't fucking touch her." He growls ripping the knife from Felix's hand quickly plunging it into his abdomen. I lean against the wall just watching as Harry roughly drags his sputtering body out the door. "Take this shit to the dungeon, I'm not done with him." He yells loudly to whom I'm assuming to be a guard. I slump back down against the wall as he walks over to me. Damn I really hit my head.

The Temptress// h.s auWhere stories live. Discover now