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Harrys p.o.v

I watch Rowan storm out the door a cloud of anger hanging above her. I turn to my mum who looks shocked by Rowan's outburst.

"She is terrible, I can't believe that she used to be sweet little Adeline." Mum sighs. "Oh and that hideous scar, its a shame she was such a beautiful girl." She shakes her head sitting back down on the couch.

"She is beautiful mum, you just don't see it. She will be a great Luna because she is strong unlike you." I growl, she is disrespecting my mate. My head snaps to the window when I hear a long angry howl, it's Rowan.

"Tell Louis he is in charge until I get back." I tell her and quickly rush out the door.


I follow her scent to the forest and duck behind a tree when I see her and the vampire who's name I think is Niall talking.

" We are going to need weapons, and lots. You go get them and meet me back at Aurora's in three hours, I'm going there to get some things ." She says anger and authority in her voice. Why does she need weapons?

"We can't attack him today Roo." Niall says looking concerned.

" I know that, we are only going to do some surveillance, the weapons are just a precaution." She says sternly, who is she going to attack?

" Alright I'll see you in three hours." They nod to eachother, she shifts and they run off in opposite directions. I take off my shorts and shift so I can follow her scent easier.

I follow close behind her and hide in the brush when she shifts back and walks towards a house. Does someone live there? So many secrets my mate is hiding. She knocks on the door, and an old woman opens it with a smile, they hug. The old woman eyes dart in my direction, hopefully she didn't see me. She whispers in Rowans ear and guides her inside the house. Thank god.

"I'm assuming you are her mate." I jump when she appears right in front of me, how the hell! I shift back and quickly put my shorts on.

"How did you know?" I ask confused.

"I know everything, why are you following her?" Her voice is serious and almost threatening.

" She stormed out of the pack house angry and I wanted to make sure she didn't get hurt." I explain, anger makes you do bad things, I would know.

" Well she is going to get even angrier if she finds out you're here." She narrows her eyes and crosses her arms.

" I just needed to make sure she was safe, she is planning on attacking someone." I say, I don't want her hurt.

"Oh." She frowns her speechlessness is not helping my nerves.

" Alpha!" Our heads snap to the sound of the door slamming shut and Rowan's angry voice.

"Good luck." The old woman says and disappears, how in the hell does she do that.

"Why the fuck did you follow me!" She yells pushing me back against a tree and traps me against it, good god she is strong. It's kinda hot though.

"I wanted to make sure you were safe." I stutter staring into her stormy grey eyes. She is so beautiful, I just want to kiss her and be able to hold her close, I want her to want me too.

"I am always safe Alpha. I can take care of myself." She spits her face red from anger.

" Who are you going to attack?" I ask ready for her rage to explode.

" None of your damn business." She growls and pushes me harder against the tree.

"I can help, whoever it is please just let me help you." I plead, we are supposed to be doing things together.

" No I'm not risking you getting hurt, you don't know who you're up against." I smile because she cares about my safety, but thats besides the point.

"Stop grinning asshole and go back to your pack where you belong." She lets go of me but I pull her back and hold her tight against me body. We fit perfectly together, we are made for eachother.

" Wherever you are is the place I belong Rowan." I whisper, a light sparks in her eyes but it quickly dimishes as dark clouds overtake it. I want to save that light.

"No, go the fuck back home Alpha." She pulls back out of my grip and steps backward quickly. " I need to take care of this myself." She sighs running a hand through her hair.

" We are mates, we are supposed to be doing things together." I step away from the tree slowly.

"You really wanna help." She sneers smirking at me with an evil glint in her eyes, her whole demeanor just changed. This can't be good.

"Yes." I nod hesitant as she walks close so our chests are touching, she reaches up her lips brushing against my ear making me shiver. I remember the feeling of her lips against mine, it was the best feeling I have ever encountered.

"Fight me." She whispers stepping away from me to stare at my shocked face. I cannot fight her.

"No, I can't." I shake my head.

" Then leave, if you can't fight me then you can't go with me." She dismisses me. Are those really her terms?

Do it. She wants to fight, lets fight. My wolf urges.

"No, what the hell Lucas." I reply, I won't hurt her.

Make it a wager Harry, we can get her to finally accept us. He reasons, that is actually a smart idea.

"Fine, I'll do it." I agree. " But if I win you let me come with you and you have to accept me as your mate." I bargain watching her face contort into a smirk.

"If you will I'll even let you kiss me." She boasts cocky as ever. "Show me what you got Alpha." She shifts and lets out a growl to challenge me. I shift and circle around her growling, our wolves are about the same size so I don't have an adavantage in that department. How is her wolf so large though? She snaps her jaws at me when I get to close, why isn't she attacking. Suddenly she jumps forward and tackles me to the ground, I push her off me with a snarl and get back up. She darts forward and bites into my back leg hard, I twist around trying to make her let go. She snarls but lets go easily, I twist around and catch her shoulder in my jaws clamping down hard. She howls in pain and thrashes around flipping us to the ground making me let go tearing a chunk of flesh off her shoulder in the process. She whines and collapses to the ground, on instinct I go to comfort her but she immediately gets up and grabs my neck. Holy fuck her grip is strong.

"Submit Alpha before I lose control and kill you." Her angry voice fills my mind. She bites harder so I know she isn't kidding, I flatten my ears and whine offering my submission to her. She lets go and shifts back blood soaking her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." She whispers staring at me coldly. I whimper and weakly walk over to her, she reaches down to pet my fur. God it feels amazing to have her touch me. "Never be around me when I lose control Alpha, not until you are trained." She sits down beside me continuing to pet my fur . "I'll train you how HE trained me and in six days we will go together." She leans down to kiss my head before she stands back up, I whine from not having her close to me anymore. "We start tomorrow so be ready, now leave." Her voice holds no emotion, why must she be so cold? What kind of monster made her like this? I nudge her hand with my head wanting her attention again but she snatches it away.

"I'll see you tomorrow for training, goodbye Alpha." She turns away from me.

Don't worry training means touching and the longer we touch the more she will want to be with us. My wolf soothes the rejection. I get up and look at her, she is so strong. I am lucky to have her, most wolves never meet their mate. I vow to make her see she isn't the ruthless rogue she makes herself be known as.

I'm going to tame her.

A/N sorry for the terrible fight scene idk how wolves fight but a nice change with harrys pov anyways hope you liked it, if you did vote/comment/rave and yeah okay byees :)xx

I wanna reach out for you, I wanna break these walls.


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