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I sit against the stone wall with Conner sleeping on the ground next to me. I haven't slept willingly since I got here. I survived much longer without sleep anyways.

"I'm disappointed Rowan." My head snaps up seeing Zayn looking down at me.

"What do you want?" I roll my eyes and stand up.

"I'm here to get you out of here, I do owe you a favor." He shrugs giving me a dark grin. Fucking demon.

"So what is your plan then?" I ask looking down at Conner who still sleeps peacefully.

"Well the rogues, lead by Rachael, are already attacking the castle as we speak. Your mate and vampire friend are on their way here along with a large group of warriors." He says then goes over to the door. I told them not to come after me what the fuck are they thinking.

"Is James still here?" I ask frustrated, I specifically told them not to look for me and they disobey me.

"Yes." He nods then vanishes but reappears in a second.

"I think you might need these." He holds up my cloak and crossbow and arrows.

"Thank you so much Zayn." I smile and take them from him. He disappears again to open the door.

"I will bring the child to your witch friend until this is over." He says as I put on my cloak and sling my arrows across my chest.

"Conner." I poke his arm lightly until he wakes up. "You are going to go with this man, he's going to take you somewhere safe okay." I say softly and smile at his sleepy face.

"I don't want to go, I want to stay with you." He whines.

"No, you will go with Zayn." I say sternly. "I promise I will see you soon okay."

"Okay Rowan." He sniffles and slowly walks to Zayn.

"Want a piggyback ride?" Zayn asks playfully and crouches down. Conner smiles and hops on his back.

"Goodbye Rowan." Conner waves then rests his head on Zayn's shoulder.

"I'll keep him safe." Zayn assures me.

"Thank you Zayn, I owe you for this." I say gratefully and load my bow.

"I will remember that Rowan. I'll see you soon." He gives me a small smile. "I think the Temptress deserves some revenge." He says then walks out of the room calmly. I smile to myself as I pull my hood up. I'm going to kill every motherfucker in this camp.


I leave the room and bang on the metal to draw attention. I hum a made up song I used to sing with Rabbit loudly while waiting for them to come.

"How the fuck did you get out?" I smile as the rogue stares at me in disbelief.

"I'm just magic." I shrug then laugh as an arrow pierces his forehead. I continue humming as I walk down the hall, hoping to catch someones ear. I want these shits to know I'm coming. This place is completely empty which is confusing. I quietly push open a door and see three guys arguing and complaining.

"Well hello boys." I say with a hidden smirk. "I heard you might want some action."

"How are you out!" The oldest looking one pushes past the other two to confront me.

"Slow down, we're all friends here." He stops in his tracts when I aim my bow at him. "I want you to get down." He holds his hands up and lowers himself to the ground as I shoot the other two down quickly.

"Now where is James?" I ask circling around him.

"I can take you." He stutters looking at me pleadingly.

"No, you will tell me." I growl kicking him in his stomach.

"He's outside waiting for your mate, just go straight." He groans clutching his side. I angrily pull the trigger and take off running. Bloody hell.


I stand outside the door just watching the fight, wolf against wolf, vampire against vampire, wolf against vampire. They are all fighting because of me. I look around for any signs of Harry or Niall but don't see them. Please let them still be alive.

"Rowan I'm surprised you found a way out." I growl and whip around when I hear his voice behind me.

"Well surprise asshole." I drop my bow and tear off my arrow sheath. "I still don't understand why you want to take down our government, literally the only law is to not reveal ourselves to the mundane."

"You know I had a mate, she was so beautiful. She was murdered by these three human boys who just- and my alpha didn't do anything neither did your parents. That's why." He explains and clenches his fists angrily. "They said she wasn't important enough, I was the head warrior of my pack, the highest rank next to delta and no one even cared about her."

"I have no sympathy for you." I growl.

"All of this is for you." He motions to the fight. "Your mate is out there, fighting for you. Now wouldn't you do anything for him. This is my way of getting vengeance for my mate." He claims like it's nothing and shrugs. I look over his shoulder briefly and almost gasp when Niall appears behind him.

"You also have that vampire friend, Niall I think, fighting for you don't you?" He smirks while extracting his claws that he has no doubt dipped in liquid silver, he always does. I keep my eyes on his, what the hell does Niall think he is doing. "Did you know silver has the same effect on vampires as it does on us? Just a little burns but too much can be deadly." He says cockily, dammit Niall go away.

"I do know that because you taught me."

"Glad you remembered but I just hope your friend does too." He grins before turning around and thrusting his claws into Niall's stomach. He looks at me and laughs as I fall to my knees.

"You won't win Rowan."

a/n howdy folks :) so that happened and remember to vote/comment/rave so yeah okay byees

But it's not the end, I'll see your face again.

XOXO Mariah
(not edited)

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