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That was painful. Maeve pants once I successfully blocked everyone out of my head.

" I didn't know that would fricking happen when I accepted." I respond lying down on the forest floor.

The pack is coming. Maeve says soon I hear hundreds of paws hitting the forest floor. I shoot up and start backing away as they get closer to me, I am not ready for an ambush. I growl at them when they come into my line of vision, warning them to stay away until Maeve and I recover from the mental attack. The group of wolves whines and lowers their heads in submission.

" Stand down Rowan." I hear the Alphas voice say angrily to the left of me, my eyes snap to his human form walking closer to me his hands up in surrender to show he means no harm.

" They attacked me." I say in his head raising my hackles.

" They did not mean to, they were merely excited because they finally got a luna." He explains looking at me sternly. I puff out air and stand down relaxing my stance.

" Don't let it happen again." I growl warningly in his head.

" Everyone the luna is fine you may leave now." The wolves that have been watching our exchange slowly disperse out of the trees. I circle around him, ready to attack if needed.

" Why didn't you tell me that would happen?" I ask angry at him for not warning me. I made a complete fool of myself, I showed weakness to the pack.

Weakness is something I'm not familiar with.

" I didn't think it would be an issue." He shrugs his eyes follow my wolf carefully, he tries to reach out and touch my fur but I stop him with a growl.

" Don't touch me." I warn in his head, I run behind a tree to shift and put my hood up to hide my face.

" How does your cloak stay on when you shift?" The Alpha asks amazed with slight disappointment of not getting to see me naked.

" I have a friend who is a witch that enchanted it for me." I say simply.

" Wow how did you manage to find a witch?" I shrug, witches are rare and incredibly hard to locate.

"I just stumbled across her one day while traveling to a new pack." I don't want to give away her hiding spot because she trusts me and has been my only friend I've had since the accident. The conversation halts awkwardly leaving only the sounds of untouched nature to be heard.

" Our house is almost complete." The Alpha says breaking the comforting silence.

" Our house?" I ask quizzically, i'm definitely not living in a house with him.

" The Alpha and Luna always share a house with each other." He looks confused.

" May I have my weapons back?" Both Maeve and I would feel safer if we have them just to be sure.

" Why? No one will harm you here." The Alpha asks critically.

" I don't trust anyone here, just give me my weapons back!" I argue back in his head.

" You don't trust me?" He asks his face falling as hurt takes over his features.

" I trust no one." I say coldly in his mind causing him to visibly flinch from the harshness.

" I want to take a nap, leave me alone." I go search for a suitable tree to sleep on and walk forward once I spot an sturdy looking old oak tree that I can easily climb up.

" You aren't sleeping in a tree Rowan." The Alpha deadpans, I roll my eyes, I don't have to listen to him.

" This is where I feel the safest, now leave me be." I shift around on a tree branch to find a comfortable position.

The Temptress// h.s auWhere stories live. Discover now