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Perched up high in a tree I release an arrow the wooden point piercing the rogue vampire that was trying to sneak up on Niall, no one tries to hurt him without dying. I move my aim to where Harry tears off a vampires head with his jaw, damn idiot I told him to fight in human form.

"Rowan." I hear my name being whispered, almost like it was the wind calling me, my eyes search around for the source of the voice frantically. I tune out all the noises of the fight below me and call Maeve to give me her enhanced senses. I lower my bow and put it across my shoulder then reach into my cloak my fingers clutching the small stake. I look down watching as the last rogue vampire is beheaded, we had won. Hearing the voice again this time louder I close my eyes taking in a deep breath to calm me. I know that there is one above me, their awful scent, although faint is clear to my trained nose.

"Rowan, they're gone." Harry yells below me, I ignore him and focus on the slight rustle of leaves that the vampire thought they didn't make.

"Rowan?" He calls again and with Maeve giving me her senses I can feel his wolf yearning for me to be next to them, but no matter how much I want to oblige to his silent request I have to stay still. So I don't flinch when two hands suddenly latch onto my shoulders. I wrap one hand around their wrists and keep the stake tightly grasped in the other then jerk forward pulling us both out of the tree and in the air, I hold our bodies together and turn so I land on him as hit we ground.

"You are a complete dumbass." I growl pressing the small stake against his non beating heart. watching him close his eyes from the pain of falling from a thirty foot tree with my added weight, even as an immortal that should probably hurt.

"Soon." He laughs opening his red eyes and I know exactly what he means. "You are the only thing standing in the way of freedom for all supernatural kind."

"And you're just an insignificant pawn in a rebellion that will never win." I retort before plunging the stake deep into his heart.

"Rowan are you okay?" Two voices say at once when I stand up kicking away the dead body and see both Niall and Harry looking at me concerned.

"Yes I'm fine, the fucker thought he could sneak up on me." I nod securing my hood back up on my head. "How many of ours were killed?" I ask Niall while intertwining my hand with Harry's and lean into him.

"None actually, this was my idea you know." He grins but I can sense something is troubling him, I've always been able to tell when he is upset.

"Niall what's wrong." I frown and rush over to Niall while ignoring Harry's jealous growl. Niall is more important to me than his possessive shit right now. He shouldn't be acting like that anyway, I care for him and only him.

"I'm just thinking about Rachael, that's all." He gives me a half smile. I want to kill her so much for betraying Niall like this.

"I'm going to take these guys back to the castle okay, i'll see you tonight." He say's pointing to the vampire warriors then hugs me briefly before racing away.

"You need to stop being so jealous." I growl pushing on Harry's chest.

"It's not me, it's Lucas." He senses something more between you two and every time you are together he goes crazy." He explains holding his hands up. More?

"Niall is my friend, there could never be anything more." I scoff crossing my arms, he is being ridiculous.

"Like I said, I trust Niall completely but Lucas feels differently. Can we go now? I think Phillip said there was a problem with one of the packs in the States." He says putting his arm around my shoulder to lead me away from the carnage of the fight.


"There has been more rogue attacks on the more powerful packs in the U.S, either this is just a coincidence or James must know that they would be invited to the coronation." Philip says handing me a list of all the attacks, this is definitely no coincidence. How the hell does James have all these followers?

" How did they do against the attacks?" Harry asks.

"Only two packs had casualties." Philip answers looking at the reports.

"Cancel their invitation, their packs will be targeted and they will need their Alphas present." Harry decides then look at me for approval.

"Yes that's good, we don't want the rogues to overpower a pack." I nod.

"Okay I will take care of that, the plans for the coronation are coming a long well other than that there is nothing else to discuss." Philip says gathering all the papers together.

"Goodbye Princess and Alpha Harry." He bows his head before scurrying out of the room.

"I just want this whole thing to be over." I sigh resting my head on Harry's shoulder.

"I do too angel." He says pulling down my hood to kiss the side of my face.

"Let's go home and I'll tell you a story."


Harry moves me so my head is laying on his lap as he runs his fingers through my tangled hair on the couch.

"I'm ready to listen." He says and I close my eyes trying to think of a story that isn't too gruesome to tell him.

"This isn't going to be long but when Niall was first teaching me how to use my bow I accidentally shot a rogue in the dick, twice in a row." I confess looking up at him.

"Are you sure it was an 'accident'?" He jokes.

"Yes it was, I didn't have the perfect aim I do now." I defend my younger self and sit up from his lap.

"She also shot me a few times too." Harry jumps when Niall appears sitting on the other side of the couch. "So why don't we watch a movie? I found out they have a new Twilight movie out, this one has werewolves in it?" He suggests holding up a case. I haven't watched a movie since Niall dragged me to a theater to watch Twilight so he can complain about how the humans envision vampires, it was quite funny actually.

"Twilight? Are you serious?" Harry laughs looking at him strangely as he turns on the t.v.

"I just like to laugh at how ridiculous the humans make us look okay it's not like I am team Jacob or anything." He defends himself while he turns on the dvd player and inserts the dics.

"I'll go make popcorn." He announces then dashes out of the room.

"Do we really have to watch it?" Harry whines as Niall rummages through our cupboards.

"Yes Harry, we are watching it." I say sternly and Harry groans. "Oh don't be a baby." I scoff patting his head. I'd do anything to keep Niall happy, even watch a terribly depicted movie about vampire and werewolves.

Six days.

a/n reminder that everything is calm before the storm ;) i haven't updated in forever but vote/comment/rave and yeah okay byess :)

I'll be by your side, anytime you're needing me.

XOXO Mariah
(not edited #sorrynotsorry)

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