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"All rise for your new king and queen."

The congregation stands up and bows, showing their submission and loyalty to us. Holy shit, I can't do this. I need to be outside, too many people. My anxiety diminishes as I feel Harry's hand on mine.

"You can do this, I love you." He whispers in my ear making a grin grow on my face.

"I lo-" I start but Philip interrupts me saying it is time for the celebration party meaning I can get out of this horrid dress. "Finally." I sigh happily and start to drag Harry out of the gathering hall and towards he guess room we are staying in tonight.


"I am so glad to be out of that thing." I kick the dress to the corner of the room satisfied. I put on a fancy looking shirt and black pants then drape my cloak over my shoulders. I'm pulled back and spinned around to face Harry.

"What are you doing?" I ask smiling as he lifts me up so I wrap my legs around his waist.

"Nothing." He shrugs before connecting our lips. "We still have a few minutes before we have to leave." He suggests turning around to lay me down on the bed. He brushes his lips on my cheek then to corner of my mouth before roughly kissing me, our lips move together at a frenzied pace and soon he is untying my cloak and pulling down the front of my shirt to bite the top of my breast. I gasp quietly and use my hand to bring his lips back up to mine but he growls and harshly places my hands above my head before going back to kissing and biting along my breasts. I squirm underneath him and moan softly as his hand trails down to the top of my pants.

"Oh my god why is it always me!" I push Harry off me and glare at Niall who once again interrupted us.

"Ever heard of knocking." I huff irritated while putting my cloak back on.

"The party is starting, everyone is waiting for you." He rolls his eyes ignoring my comment.

"We'll be down in a minute Niall." Harry says before I could argue with him further.

"Alright." He says then dashes out of the room.

"We can sneak away for a few minutes later." Harry whispers in my ear lowly before grabbing my hand in his.


I take a deep breath and put my hood up, I still feel uncomfortable with people seeing my face. Everyone crowds around us and asking so many questions at once. I feel trapped and my head is pounding, I don't like this.

"Everyone step back from the Queen, give her some space. One question at a time." Harry steps in front of me sensing my impeding freak out if they didn't back off. The crowd steps back and soon people are raising their hands to ask their questions which Harry picks.

"Why do you where the cloak? We want to know what our queen looks like." One asks excitedly.

"I wear this cloak to protect myself, so no you will not be seeing me without it on." I answer coldly watching him flinch.

"The people need to know Rowan, tell them why." Harry whispers in my ear and I sigh knowing he is right.

"Don't you fucking dare let go of my hand Harry." I growl and grip his hand tightly.

"Everyone shut up with your questions, I'm going to answer all of them." I say glaring at the crowd. "As you all probably know I am the lost Princess Adeline but under no circumstance will you call me that." I warn watching them all nod.

"After the rogue attack the previous King and Queen stupidly left me stranded in the woods, I was only ten at the time at least that's what James told me. I had no memory of anything, I didn't even know my own name. I somehow managed to survive a year on my own before James found me, James being the rogue I just killed." I take a deep breath, I feel extremely uncomfortable with all these eyes on me. "James gave me the name Rowan when he found me. He trained me and although I hadn't shifted yet he and the whole rogue camp taught me how to fight, how to survive on my own. I considered them family but one night James gave me this potion that made me involuntarily shift and he scratched my face with liquid silver leaving me unable to speak along with a permanent scar across my face." I pause annoyed as they all collectively gasp, I don't need your pity.

"James taught me that showing weakness is something that will get you killed, something you should never do. After that night I vowed to never show weakness and I became a cold hearted killer, I was only twelve. I survived another year alone killing everything in my path with ease until I ran into my now best friend Niall. Since he is a vampire he taught me how to fight in human form, how to use my bow. I protected him and he protected me, we were inseparable. I smile across the room at Niall who raises his glass at me.

"I also met a demon named Zayn during a killing rampage I often went on while Niall left to feed. So then about two years later Niall was called back by his King and I was left alone once again. After that I was probably around sixteen when I ran into Aurora, a witch that gave me my cloak and taught me how to make potions to make my arrows more lethal. I spent a few months with her before I left, this is when people started calling me The Temptress. I ran across territories teasing the guards for fun and just killing everything or anyone who got in my way. I literally just do it to prove that I can because I am a sadist, a cold hearted and soulless killer. I spent two more years on the run from practically every pack in Europe until I ran into the Crescent Moon pack where after eight years I was finally caught by Harry who turned out to be my mate. Then after a week of being captured the moon goddess somehow restored my voice. I fought hard against him, I didn't want to believe that someone like me, a monster deserved a mate. I found out James was planning another attack and went to the council that's when I was identified as the lost Princess. I used my new title to make changes around here and I will continue to make changes. After a few months of being here I was captured and tortured by James for four days up until the attack where I finally killed him." I finish and squeeze Harrys hand.

"That's it." I shrug looking at the awestruck crowd. "You can all stop staring now." I growl feeling threatened and uncomfortable. Someone in the back starts to clap and soon the whole room is filled with loud clapping and cheering that hurts my ears. Why are they praising me?

"Stop that and go back to the party." I growl dismissing them before dragging Harry to the nearest exit.

"You did great Angel." Harry laughs at my determination to leave the crowded room.

"Shut up and kiss me."

a/n hello everyone and Happy Easter to everyone that celebrates it. Hope you like this chapter too :) I'm super sorry that I haven't updated in 84 years but I have tons of school work and I got a boyfriend, I know pretty surprising right! I also currently have a five page essay that is due tomorrow #procrastination so please vote/comment/RAVE and yeah okay byees :)xx

What a feeling to be a king beside you somehow.

XOXO Mariah
(not edited)

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