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I got up extra early to finish packing to go to Toronto to see my mom dad and my baby sister. I finished in good time so i called a cab to come pick me up to take me to the airport. I was petrified at this point because in a few hours i will see maisy all wired up to those macines fighting for her life. I landed in Toronto and saw my dad waiting for me at the arrival gate. "DAD! IS SHE OKAY?." "she is stable im glad you could fly out so fast were al worried about her your mom is there with her so lets go. " All the way to the hospital i was so silent i was dreading to see maisy like this. We got to the hospital and I saw my mom in maisys room as soon as i walked in I saw her lying there wired up to a life support machine I cried and cried why dud it have to be her there. The doctor cane in and checked maisy over and asked if she coukd have a word with me i nodded and went with the doctor "So your Bethany Maisy's big sister." "Yes is she going to be okay what happened ." "She was hit by a car on the way to school the driver left her there luckily she was bought in as she was otherwise we would be having a different conversation she will need surgery but other than that your sister is a lucky little girl. " I was relieved to hear she will be okay but scared that she was having her operation today. I walked back into the room and sat beside her until the doctors came and took her to theatre.
Two hours later maisy's op was done and we went to see maisy i was so happy that she okay and no more damage is done to her. I texted caleb
B~hey maisy will be okay she has had her op and we will be home soon love you miss you xx
C~phew im glad okay well see you very soon love and miss you to xx
Maisy was awake when i went back in and was so happy when she saw me "Bethany your here i thought i might never see you again. " "Hey noone wil bever let me see my baby sis so glad your okay." We talked some more until visiting hours were over i went with mom and dad back to there house and slept there.
It has been 4 weeks since the accident and Maisy was being discharged from the hospital today such a relief to hear that that means we can go home again and this means maisy is staying at home for 6 weeks until returning here for school. We got all maisys things packed into the car we were on our way to the airport to go back to LA.
Such a relief having my family back home with me for a bit. This time i am going to look after maisy and not get distracted by anything.

Uh oh will maisy be okay

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