Daniella Anne Metcalfe arrives

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When Caleb left I was 3 months pregnant now 6 months on im now 9 months and im getting ready for my baby to arrive im so nervous but excited at the same time. I had alicia and ash come over and help finish turing the spare room into a nursery for little Daniella. "Hey guys im so tired and can't wait till this bundle comes." "Neither can we beth have you told your parents bout your pregancy I think they need to know." Ash said "no they don't i will tell them when she is here." After a few hours the nursery is finished it looks amazing.
We all came down and sat on the couch to relax but as soon as i sat down a sharp pain shot through my body. "Arggggh" I screamed "Beth whats wrong." Alicia asked. "Alicia i think Daniella is coming I need to go to hospital now." Ash carefully placed me in to the back seat of his car and drove us to the hospital. We got there within half the time we walked in and Ash went up to the desk "hi my friend has gone into labour." "okay well follow me. " The nurses placed me into a wheelchair and took me to a delivery room.
I found out that i was 8cm dilated so the doctor placed me on an iv and induced me right away. Alicia was there will me through the whole thing thing I was glad she and ash were here. Now was the time to start pushing and by god did it hurt. "ARGGHHHHH NEVER AM I HAVING KIDS AGAIN ARGHHHH"
After two hours screams of my little baby girl filled the room. I was so happy to hear her crys after 9 months."Congratulations its a girl the doctors said." They placed her on my chest she was the most adorable thing ever. They then took her away to cleaned and weighed her. "Beth she is adorable looks like you." Alicia cried "Well done you." ash chirped.
The doctors came back and gave me my daughter all wrapped up in pink she was the joy of my world. "Can i hold her?" Alicia asked "Yeah of course" I handed Daniella to Alicia she held her for awhile and she handed her to Ash who then handed her to me and i placed her in her bassinet where she was fast asleep.
I was so exhausted myself after the excitement. "Guys I have something to ask you would you mind being Daniellas godparents." They both looked at me with wide eyes and said in unison "Of course we do" After all the excitement i fell asleep and ash and alicia went home. I was so happy that my little girl was in the world but a little disappointed that caleb wasnt here for the birth of his daughter but i didn't care he left me and his kid so i couldn't care less.
I had one job left to do and that was to to tell my family that i had a baby and that she was only been born. I was so scared but happy because i had my own daughter to spoil and protect from people. I woke up to feed daniella and after i rang my parents to tell them the good news.
"Hello Mom i have some news to tell you erm i have just had a baby girl named Daniella Anne and your going to be a grandma and dad a grandpa.Maisy will be a aunty"
"Wow really we will fly out after two weeks because Maisy had her finals coming up okay love you bye." After I hung up i went back to sleep.

Yay daniella has arrived

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