Home and Maisy's recovery

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We finally landed in LA home at last dad and mom loaded our bags in the taxi while I helped maisy into the car. I felt completely guilty only if they stayed longer then maisy would still be able to walk without crutches. As soon as the taxi pulled into our driveway I started helping Maisy whike mom and dad got our bags and maisys wheelchair out of the trunk. "Hey ill help you come on maisy. " "Beth i know you are trying to help and all but i need to do it on my own its only a broken leg and a few bruises but thank you anyway." I was a bit hurt at what she said but i understood completely. For the next month or so Maisy was here to properly recover and then go back to Canada with Mom and Dad.
Since the accident and them being home evertthing was different I mean Maisy was always moody and mom and dad were always busy. I was glad they were home but not like this . U decided to text caleb while maisy was showering
B~hey so sorry for not texting sooner but im always busy with maisy and school work xx
C~ its okay how is she i mean i love how you are helping her but when am I going to see you xx
B~getting there always moody but okay soon i hope i cant stand it any longer
As soon as I heard the shower turn off i put my phone down and went to see what maisy wanted. "Hey what do you need?." "what I want is for you to get out of my facw and leave me alone." "Maisy what the hell!" What just happened i mean maisy is never like this "JUST GO BETH I NEVER ASKED YOU TO. COME OVER YOU JUST HAD TO I HATE IT I WANT TO GO BACK AND I HATE THAT YOUR MY SISTER SO STAY AWAY FROM ME!! " "WHAT NO WAY I LOVE YOU MAISY I LOVE YOU I CANT STAND THE FACT YOU HAVE A CAST ON AND YOU NEED HELP WHAT IS WITH YOU"
"HELLO I AM IN A CAST AND CANT WALK AND IM STUCK HERE FOR ANITHER FEW WEEKS. ITS EASIER BEING YOUR SISTER WHEN WE ARE THOUSANDS OF MIKES APART THE ONE THING I HAD IN CANADA WAS FREEDOM FROM YOU AND YOUR LECTURES SO DO ME A FAVOUR AND DO ONE! " After the bust up i stormed off to cool I mean she never ever felt like that before why woukd she now maybe the accident has all got tonher head.
It had been over a month since my. Mom dad and maisy came home from canada and now they are leaving again since maisy made a full recovery. I hated myself for what happened but whats done is done so i had to let it go when were packing her stuff she didn't look at me or even speak to me. Caleb came over and helped when he saw me he embraced me into the biggest hug ever and would not stop kissing me and then my sister cane in "Ew you two get a room." "Sorry about her she is being a moody bitch." Well they were all ready to go I said my goodbyes to mom and dad now i had to say it to maisy as well she didnt even look at me so i left it as soon as there car left the driveway I cried caleb came over and hugged me "Sshe is all i have and she did not even say goodbye..who does that. " "look maybe the stresss of the accident got to her she will come around dont worry. " He kissed my head and we went inside.
Can't believe they left again but this time it was the last time i will ever see them. Inside me and Caleb watched tv and i fell asleep on caleb. He carried me to my bed and he slept in the spare room for safety. Knowing that my sister was healthy again was fantastic but knowing she hates me us the worst i loved her. Least i had caleb and that was all i needed for now. I woke up and went in the spare room and slept in the spare room with caleb. He made me feel safe after fights or when i am alone. I hope caleb is right about the whole stress thing with maisy she cant be mad at me forever could she . I lay next to caleb wondering what will hapoen tomorrow. He woke up and found me inna state curled up in the corner of the room bawling like a big baby."hey hey whats bought this on hey shh it will be okay." "I know it won't she hates me now caleb and i dont even know why.. I just you to stay with me. "hey yeah whatever you need. " Caleb hugfed me and held me tight til i fell asleep again.
What will tomorrow bring I wouln't know but all i want is my sister back, why did this bother her so much .what i needed to do was ask my mom i knew that she knew something she always did.

Oh no maisy and beth have fell out will they ever make up

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