Argument and disappearing act

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I asked caleb to come round so we can discuss our situation. He needed to know what was happening regarding me being pregnant. He came over and it was super arkward but hey it needed to be done. He came and sat in the sitting room I knew this was breaking him up inside but I knew i should have used birth control. "Hey so er i went to the doctors yesterday and confirmed that we are having a baby girl and erm we need to discuss what we are going to do with the baby when it arrives."
"I know what you should do is get rid of it I mean i love you but aint being a teen parent i have college and syuff to worry about not a stupid mistake that I created. His cold harsh words stung but i knew that what he was feeling.
"Look im sorry im not getting rid of Daniella okay sorry for you okay."
"Daniella" stop naming it we are getting rid we dont have money to dish out to that mistake okay beth the sooner you get that the better."
I couldn't stand the fact he was bad mouthing his daughter."That "Mistake" is your daughter your flesh and blood okay so i know being a teen parent will be hard okay but we need to forget how she was made just because if a drunken night she needs both parents in her life." "YOU THINK YOU KNOW BETTER THAN ME WELL YOU DON'T GOOD LUCK BEING A PARENT BECAUSE IM NOT BEING APART OF THAT MISTAKES LIFE I DON'T CARE IF SHE IS MINE I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH HER. " Caleb practically screamed at me he got up and slammed the door on his way out looks like im stuck on my own with the baby now only i wish he didnt react like that his own daughter ,she is going to ask questions when she is older. I soent the rest of the evening crying and trying to sleep i need it after today.
It has been two days since me and caleb fought since then i have not heard from him. I went over to calebs moms house to see if he was there. Knock knock i tapped the door knocker and Calebs mom answerd "Hi bethany what brings you here". "Hi is caleb here we fought two days ago about me being pregnant." "Yes he told about that he came and got his things and left for Texas to stay with a friend there."
"Oh well thanks for your just so you know i am having a girl named Daniella Anne Im sorry to break up your family." "Thats a lovely name and thank you for letting me know." I left Calebs and went back home and cried why was this happing to me I needed him more than anything. At Least i know where i stand. This pregancy has now torn us up she was due in 6 months i knew where mom kept mine and maisys old baby clothes and things so i have stuff for her. Im gunna give her the love and affection she needs even without her dad im going to love her she will be my whole world.

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