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Tiana POV

I woke up an saw Cody leaning over me. When he saw that my eyes where open he smiled. So did the others, I looked at my friends then I noticed my friend Tiger-Lily was here, she has noticeable round blue glasses, eye catching fashion sense and an amazing sense of humour. I smiled at her, she said "Why were you not wearing shoes?" Cody stopped staring at me and looked at Tiger-Lily he looked very confused, Tiger-Lily raised her left eyebrow and said "What?" He turned away and laughed. I tried to sit up but Cody put his hand behind my head and held my hand and gently pulled me up. He said "Let's go get you a drink of water." I nodded and tried to stand up, but I felt a sharp pain in my left ankle. I fell back onto the sand. Cody sighed, then said "I guess I will have to carry you then." Cody picked me up and held me close. He laughed and said "You're really light!" He started running he it faster and faster. I was surprised I was either really light or he was a really fast runner. When we reached the water fountain he put me down. I could stand but I couldn't support any weight on my left ankle. When Cody put me down he stared into my eyes. Then he hugged me and held me close. He whispered in my ear "It was my fault you fell, if I didn't try to kiss you, you wouldn't have fallen." I held him closer, and buried my head In his shirt. I whispered "No it wasn't I was being stupid." Cody held my shoulders, but I still look down. He pushed my chin up again. It made me chuckle, but then I looked at him, then Cody leaned in and kissed me. Afterwards he smiled. He whispered to himself but I heard him "That was better than the first time I kissed you..." He tried to hold my hand but I flinched away from him I asked "You kissed me before?" He looked away from me, chuckled a bit then embarrassingly said "Yeah, when you had fainted and were drowning, well I think you were drowning, anyway I kinda gave you mouth to mouth." I started blushing. But this time I looked into his eyes instead of looking at the ground. Then Heather shouted "Tiana we need to go home now!" I looked in Heather's general direction. Then back at Cody. I stood on my tiptoes (because Cody was a lot taller than me) and kissed him, suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my foot so stopped kissing him and held my ankle. Cody chuckled, he then picked me up so I was closer to him and a similar height. I leaned in and kissed him again, but this time it was easier. I heard Heather shout my name. So I just clung to Cody's neck and hugged him. Then he shifted me onto his back so he was giving me a piggyback, then ran to Heather. He said to Heather "I found her." Heather laughed and we walked back to the others. Bethy came up to me and said "I dropped your surfboard of at your house for you." I thanked her. I looked over at Katy she was making out with Harry. Suddenly Tiger-Lily gets up and sits next to him, she then shouts "Get in there Harry!" Katy puts her middle finger up at Tiger-Lily but carried on making out with Harry. We all laughed, Heather said we had to leave so we said our goodbyes. When we got to my house we said goodbye to Heather. She went to her house very slowly checking on us every five seconds. Finally she walked indoors. Cody put me on our park bench then sat next to me.

Cody POV

I sat next to Tiana on the bench. The wind started blowing and Tiana shivered. I put my arm around her, then she leaned into me. I heard her mum from indoors she said "Tiana is that you out there?" Tiana sighed then moaned "That's my que. Today has been really fun. We should do it again." I pulled her closer to me and kissed her. I let go and she hobbled into her house. I heard someone knocking on something so I turned around and saw Tiana sticking her tongue at me. I stuck my tongue out too then ran back to the beach and went home.   The next day my sister Alli came up to me and said suspiciously "Who's the girl?" I hesitated how did she know about Tiana I didn't reply to her. She showed me a magazine with me on it holding Tiana kissing her, the headline was 'Who is this mystery girl that Cody is with?' I stared at picture. Alli said homily "You are Cody Simpson, of course you would get seen!" I completely forgot about that.

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