0: The Beginning

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All I wanted was my freedom, but you never know the cost of what you wish for. When you live my kind of life, there is only one way to obtain freedom.


"Signora Salvaterra." The name still sounded so foreign to me, so it took me a second to realize it was my attention the servant was trying to obtain.

I was taking a moment alone in the garden behind the castle, trying to find a moment of peace during such a lively event. It was only a few hours ago I went from being Victoria Morani, the seventeen year old only daughter of Federico and Giovanna Morani, one of the most wealthy families in all of Italy, to Victoria Salvaterra, Wife of Leonardo Salvaterra, and heir to the Morani Fortune on the eve of her eighteenth birthday.

I let out a sigh before addressing the female servant in front of me"Yes?"

"Signora, your husband is looking for you. He sent me to find you and bring you back to the ballroom to bid your guest farewell." The servant responded as he gestured back to the castle.

I gave the servant a small smile as I followed him back into the aged building. The Salvaterra family have lived in this large castle for generations and were practically royalty in Italy with the amount of wealth they held.

As the sun was finishing its departure in the sky to make way for the rising moon, I knew the wedding celebrations that were being held in the ballroom of the Salvaterra home were finally coming to a close. Now it was the time of the wedding that I was dreading, this would be the time we consummate our marriage before God to make it official.

My large wedding dress swayed as I strolled back into the ballroom and I immediately made eye contact with the love of my life, my Leonardo. My husband quickly made his way across the ballroom.

"Come now, my love ." Leonardo whispered in my ear causing a shiver to make its way through my body.

I nodded my head as he slipped his hand over mine, gently pulling me along with him. We made our way around the big, elaborate room saying our farewells and gratitudes to all the leftover guests who had left the celebrations yet.

We had finally finished talking to the last family that was invited to the wedding and we made our way out the room. Leonardo and I silently walked up the large grand staircase that was dimly lit from the lanterns and candles that decorated the walls. The silence was filled with anticipation, making me nervous as we approached our new bedroom. As we approached the door, Leonardo opened the door and gestured me in with a smile.

I walked into the room and looked around. It was no surprise to me that the room would be large and lavishly decorated as I compared it to the rest of the castle. Leonardo made his way around the dimly lit space we were in, and began lighting the candles that were scattered around the room. It was my first time here, but it was exactly what I thought it would look like. The finest drapes hanging from the windows colored in reds and golds. The most expensive looking decorations were placed around the room. An ornate beautiful mirror hung on the wall and a richly brown wooden desk lived on the other side of the room from his bed.

Our Bed.

The place where I would now sleep was dressed in expensive silks and numerous pillows. Looking at how the bed was decorated, I could only assume Leonardo has probably never had a bad night's sleep.

As I took the room in, I felt soft hands gently place themselves on my shoulders. Leonardo always had such warm hands and having them touch my skin, I felt a tingling sensation move through my entire body.

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