Chapter Sixteen: The Ill Succubus and The Dream Of Glowing Flowers

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"But I've got better luck in my head"

Chapter Sixteen: The Ill Succubus And The Dream Of Glowing Flowers

Cyrus quickly whisked me away in his arms running down the stairs and out of the pack house. I was too weak to protest as he ran. Cyrus looked like he was having an argument with himself, but i quickly came to the realization he was probably mind linking the doctor. Everyone was still probably at the party.

Cyrus approached a small building, which opened to reveal loads of medical equipment. He placed gently on one of the beds as Doctor Fleming rushed in.

"What's wrong?" Fleming worryingly asked. 

"I don't know something happened to her when she was feeding." Cyrus explained as he was clearly trying to stay calm.

I could feel myself start to doze off from being so suddenly tired and my eyes slowly drifted closed as i was pulled into sleep. I was violently shaken awake which caused me to snap my eyes open and frown at my shaker. Cyrus's panic was clear on his face and he pulled him in close.

"I thought something happened." Cyrus muttered into my hair.

"Yeah you interrupted a nice nap." I grumbled as my mate clung to me.

Cyrus pulled back and frowned. "You need to take this seriously Victoria, something is wrong."

I sighed. "I'm sure our lovely pack doctor will figure it out and i'll be out in a few hours, what could possibly happen?"

When did i become to incorrectly optimistic? It didn't take a few hours like a thought. Doctor Fleming began to try test after test for about a week, and i was only getting worse. I actually needed help getting around now, it was sad. I felt weak and embarrassed the whole time, with the feelings only getting stronger. I just became luna of this pack and I was already letting them down. If we didn't find a solution soon, then this pack might have one less succubus luna on their hands.

Cyrus stayed with my every minute of every single day, he never left my side. Angana came to see if some spell could possible work, but none ever did. Leonardo came to visit, brought some pretty flowers too. He told me he was trying to reach out to the moon goddess for answers, but she was giving him none. She got me in this mess, she should at least help a girl out.

The sun was setting on another failed day and Doctor Fleming was finishing up another test.

"I should have the results of this test tomorrow, it you start feeling anything out of the ordinary let me know. I'll just be upstairs if you need me." Doctor Fleming said.

I gave her a small smile. "Thank you."

She returned the small smile and headed up stairs. I looked over at Cyrus who looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I stuck my hand out and he gently slipped his into mine. He guided it up to his lips and placed a gently kiss which caused me to smile.

"I'm going to take a small nap. Would you like to join me?" I asked him.

Cyrus nodded and i moved over so he could fit on the bed. Cyrus climbed in and wrapped his arm around me, carefully pulling me closer to him. I let out a sigh of content and let myself drift back to sleep.

I opened my eyes and i was no longer laying on a hospital bed spooning my mate, i was sitting in a grass field with glowing blue and purple flowers and above me was a beautiful lilac sky.  I looked around in wonder until a felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.  I turned my head and saw an ethereal looking brunette dressed in a pure white gown offering a hand to help me up. I felt a trusting warmth come from her, so i slipped my hand into her and i stood up with her help. I no longer felt weak and tired, i felt like normal. 

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