1: The Wolf Pack From Way Back

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I let out a gasp for air as i rolled off the human that was previously underneath me. I needed a quick meal and well, he was there. He was panting out of breath, meanwhile I was still hungry. He didn't last as long as I hoped, which meant I would need to find another meal.  The guy started going on and on about how he loved me and how we were going to be together forever and I started to wish I did just suck all of the energy out of him, but I have a personal rule on killing humans, i don't.

Let's catch you up to speed. Since 1847 and after running away to America, I found some witches in the new land who helped me understand what I was, what I had become. I was a Succubus and that meant I fed off of sexual energy and I could "persuade" anyone to do anything I wanted them to do, which explains a lot. In the 1920's, I ran into a clan of Succubi and Incubi. They taught me that my persuasion skill was called Sirening. So I learned how to control myself and I quickly picked up the method of siren, sex, and forget. I just sirened and definitely sexed, now it's time to forget.

The guy next to me was still yammering on and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed his hands and his pupil's dilated.

"You will forget anything involving me and you fall asleep." I said dropping his hands.

"I will forget anything involving you and I will fall asleep." He said drifting off.

He passed out and I hopped out of his bed. I slipped my clothes back on, patting down my hair in an attempt to fix it. As I tied up my boots, the guy let out the loudest snore causing me to cover my mouth as I held back a laugh. I decided to take some money if he had any for breakfast, seeing as he was too unconscious to make me any. I strolled over to his pants and fished out his wallet. I opened it and saw his name was Tom Gillis. I opened up the wide part and grabbed the money inside. I dropped the wallet and counted the bills. Sixty bucks. I shoved the money in my back pocket. I grabbed my jacket and left the guy's apartment. I walked down the block and saw a quaint little diner and walked in. I sat down at a booth and a waitress came over with a menu.

"Can I get you somethin' to drink?" She asked.

"Coffee, please." I said.

She nodded and walked away.

I looked down at the menu and picked out what I wanted to get. I put the menu down and looked up to see a strange guy staring at me from a couple booths over. I mean I'm used to guys staring at me, but this one seemed different. I smirked, giving him a flirty wave as the waitress came back with my coffee.

"So ,what can I getcha?" She asked taking out a pen and notebook from her apron.

"A stack of pancakes and information on him." I said discreetly pointing at mystery guy.

She followed my finger and looked at the guy. "Oh that's John Mcelroy, he's a sweetheart. He's the be-" she stopped herself from saying more "He's no one."

She went to walk away and I grabbed her hand. I guess I had to do this the hard way.

"Now, tell me who John is." I commanded.

"John Mcelroy is the beta of the werewolf pack here, Hollow Hill." She said in a monotone voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Great, wolves." The name of the pack seemed familiar though. 

I let go of her hand and smiled at her. "Great, that'll be all."

She smiled back at me. "I'll be right back with your pancakes." She walked off.

I looked back at John to see he was now approaching me. He sat down in front of me with a hard stare. Now that he was in front of me, his scent hit me and i could definitely tell he was a wolf.

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