Chapter Eight: The Bitten Succubus and The Dead Body On The Floor

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"I'm losing my mind losing my mind losing control."

Chapter Eight: The Bitten Succubus and The Dead Body On The Floor

"You didn't know what could happen. She could have died!"

"I was angry and I wasn't in control!"

"Well she's still breathing so I'm going to take that as a good sign. Call me when she wakes up."

I was taken out of my unconscious state by yelling, not exactly the best thing to wake up to. I tried to remember the events that led up to this disturbance and since it only happened not that long ago, obviously the memory was clear. I immediately sat up and jumped out of the bed i was most likely placed in after i passed out. I ran to the nearest mirror, ignoring the others in the room, and looked at my neck.

The spot that Cyrus munched on that was once bare, was now decorated with what looked like a tattoo of a crescent moon with little swirls on the inside. It was raw and red at the moment but soon it would be pretty as most marks are but the process, well not very pretty. I gently glided my fingers on it, which caused me to hiss in pain.

"Fresh marks take a few more hours for the pain to subside." A voice said behind me.

I snapped out of my trance and turned around. Behind me stood Cyrus, Dante, and Doctor Fleming. Cyrus rushed over to me and scooped me up into a hug.

"Gentle!" The doctor yelled causing Cyrus to gently put me down. "We don't know what kind of state she is in."

I shrugged. "I feel fine doc."

She chuckled and the motioned for me to sit back on the bed. As I sit, she removes the stethoscope from around her neck and begins to do a full check on me.

"Well nothing seems out of the ordinary, but I'm no expert on Succubi. I'm a wolf doctor." Doctor Fleming chuckled.

I chuckled with her but Cyrus and Dante did not seem in the laughing mood. I guess grumpiness is genetic.

"Alright, inform me if anything changes. We don't know what a wolf mark on a succubus could do. The side effects are endless and most certainly unknown."

I sighed. "Will do, thanks doc."

She smiled and excused herself out of the room. Dante left the room with her and they started talking as the door shut behind them. So it was just me and Cyrus left in the room. Cyrus was looking down at his feet in guilt. I stood up and walked over so I was standing right in front of him. I grabbed his head and forced him to look me in the eyes.

"What's wrong?"

He shook his head and place his hands on mind and taking them off his face.

I raised an eyebrow. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I hurt you. I hurt my own mate and I shouldn't have. I didn't know what would happen if I marked you." Cyrus responded angrily.

"Hey you did not hurt me and I'm definitely alive. You just put this permanent mark on my shoulder, no biggie." I said casually with a shrug.

"You've been out for hours." He said.

My eyes widened and I looked out the window. It was definitely dark outside. I turned my attention back to mopey pants over here.

"Look this is how this is going to go right now. I'm going to change into some pajamas. Then I'm going to go to sleep and you mister are going to plop down next to me. We'll spoon and live happily ever after until tomorrow morning." I said.

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