Chapter Nine: The Accident Prone Succubus and The Alpha Couple of Bloodrose

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"The clouds never expect it when it rains."

Chapter Nine: The Accident Prone Succubus and The Alpha Couple of Bloodrose

I let out a groan and sat up running a hand through my tangled hair. I hand got stuck on a knot and I decided to just take my hand out of my hair rather than just trying to tug the knot out of my hair. Long hair problems, am I right?

I heard a groan come from Cyrus and he also sat up and let out a loud yawn.

"Hello Kellen." Cyrus greeted sleepily.

Kellen raised an eyebrow. "Uh I didn't realize I was interrupting something."

"Wha...what are you talking about?" Cyrus responded, still in a sleepy daze.

Kellen slowly pointed at me and Cyrus turned to come face to face with me. Our noses were grazing each other and Cyrus's eyes went wide in surprise. I grinned at him from our current position and he chuckled. We both turned out attention back to Kellen, who was just awkwardly standing at the foot of the bed.

"Kellen, this is my mate, Victoria." Cyrus said.

Kellen beamed at us and reached his hand out for me to shake. I met him halfway and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Victoria. I'm so glad you guys found each other, seriously that's amazing bro." Kellen said causing both of us to smile at him.

He didn't seem anything like Mr. Grumpy pants who was occupying the space in the bed next to me.

"I've never seen you around before, what pack are you from?" Kellen asked.

I held back a laugh. Is being clueless genetic or is this family special?

"Dad...didn't tell you?" Cyrus asked confused.

"No he said you would." Kellen responded.

I loud out a loud laugh. Oh this should be good.

"She's not a wolf Kellen." Cyrus admitted.

Kellen scrunched up his face in confusion. "That's impossible."

I sighed. "It's true. Take a whiff, I don't smell like a wolf."

Kellen took a whiff of the air and the look of confusion was still plastered on his face. "Why does it smell like roses?"

I threw my hands up in frustration and threw the covers off of me. "Seriously you guys need a class or something around here for things other than being a werewolf."

I marched over to Kellen and grabbed his face. "I promise not to hurt him."

I pulled his face close to mine and began to suck some of his energy out. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I was pulled off of him. Kellen collapsed to the floor and I was tossed onto the bed.

"You just promised not to hurt him!" Cyrus yelled at me and he went to check on his brother.

My eyes went wide as I took in what just happened. I honestly didn't mean to hurt him, I just haven't fed in a while due to being monogamous now.

"I didn't mean to." I said trying to rectify the situation.

"Honey are you okay?!" A voice yelled before barging into the room.

A woman came and crouched down next to Kellen, she practically pushed Cyrus off and cradled Kellen's head against her chest.

The woman had shoulder length blonde hair and light skin. She was wearing a white dress that looked like it came up to her knees. She seemed to care for Kellen a lot. "I'm fine Rose, I'm fine." He mumbled.

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